Monday, December 31, 2012


Is Abuse/Molestation/Rape a form of suppressed lust/sexual desires? Or A false attempt to feel powerful?

Does Abuse/Molestation/Rape happen because the beauty is shown in public? Or The devil inside human being wants to destroy anything which is beautiful?

Does Abuse/Molestation/Rape happen because it’s a form of entertainment for the culprit? Or There is so much over – flow of bitterness within that person that it’s a way of passing the bitterness to the other person?

Right from ancient days India has seen abuse, molestation, rape and other crimes happening against women. Why does a society like India where we pray to Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga... have to wait for a “Maya” or “Damini/ Nirabhaya” to happen. It’s a well known fact, that Delhi has the highest amount of molestation cases. Even most part of the country girls/women can’t go out in the night. Why haven’t we sprung into action the moment we realized these facts.

I want to highlight a point here... that woman are not the only victims going through such crimes. Men equally has the risk of being a victim of abuse/molestation/rape. Sad part is such crime against men are not even taken into serious consideration.

Right now, the global community is in a dark tunnel from where we can see no light for any permanent solution to Abuse/Molestation/Rape.  Giving a capital punishment is necessary to instill fear and it will reduce Abuse/Molestation/Rape to a certain extend but it is not going to uproot the problem.

Let’s see few ways by which there are chances we could uproot the problem of Abuse/Molestation/Rape...

1)  Rape is one of the ways the miscreant wants to gain control. Overpowering the other person will definitely make him/her feel more powerful and in control for a while. Now, why there is so much need for control...there could be various reasons and one of the main reason is Severe Child Sexual/Physical Abuse. Abuse of any kind makes a child feel out of control, powerless and helpless. But, Severe Child Sexual/Physical Abuse impacts the psyche of a child deeply. Not everyone who is a victim of Abuse grows up and ends up Abusing/Molesting/Rapes the other human being. But, the chances are still high. The Child who has gone through any kind of Abuse should undergo some sessions of psychotherapy and counselling so that he/she can stitch himself/herself back and could understand that  "It wasn't his/her fault", "What happened was a crime".

2) Children have to be taught how to respect their bodies. Once they start respecting their bodies...they will automatically respect other people’s bodies. Accepting and understanding one’s body, and it’s desire will help in understanding that these needs and desires of the body is normal for every human being irrespective of the gender. Appreciating and Nourishing one’s body is very important but, in a constructive way. 

3) Parents have to respect each other. For ex: if a boy sees that his mother is never respected in the family, always ridiculed, mocked and condemned at... he would follow the same behaviour when he grows up with other females inside as well as outside the house. Parents are the only one with whom a child will learn his initial lessons of respecting and accepting every human being. 

4) We as society should be open about people suffering from any kind of sexual disorder/ dysfunction/ illness. Openness is required so that person suffering from it can talk and discuss about it freely. He/she should not feel less masculine/feminine just because he/she has some kind of sexual disorder.  

I understand that all these above points are difficult to achieve. But, our schools, our doctors, our pre – child/pregnancy programs, etc. can educate and create awareness among people. It’s a cycle we need to break and it will take time, effort and lot of awareness but again not impossible.

Love and Respect...if these 2 become the pillar and the foundation on which a child grows up... then only this problem of abuse/molestation/rape has any chance of uprooting itself from the psyche of us humans.

If you are a victim of Abuse/Molestation/Rape... FUDOL Therapies (Fillingupthedash-esoflife) will be your backbone while you stitch yourself back.     

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Staying Happy during Life’s Toughest Problem: Thoughts – Part 1

When you going through life's toughest problem...that's the time you need to double your efforts to love yourself, take care of yourself, make it a point to laugh as much as you can, do all the things you love doing and show life that no matter what it throws @ will be happy and you will fight back.

How difficult it is to implement the above statement? Is it so easy to take care of yourself, to love yourself, to be happy, to laugh when life’s throwing the toughest problem at your way?... well yes it’s very difficult but, still achievable.

Usually, when there is a problem with one person....always it’s been attracted by that person’s subconscious thoughts, continuous usage of negative words, and some destructive actions which will attract problems in your life. Here, we will have various parts, the first being Thoughts. Let’s see this in detail:

Thoughts: As a child, our thought process starts developing at an early age, more than outside influence, our thoughts are influenced by our elders and our immediate environment. We usually don’t have control over the thought – process formed at this age. Since, these thought processes are the initial thought – process. These become the Root Thoughts.

If the thought process or the signals given by the immediate environment are: “We cannot buy this particular toy because we cannot afford it” – here the child doesn’t understand what is affording or because the money is less the family can’t buy him a toy. What he gets here is: “I cannot get this toy because I am not good enough”.  Self – worth of the child is gone down. If these incidents keep happening the same way, Root Thought that is planted is...”I am not good enough, that’s why I can’t get good things in life”.  

Similarly, if the thought processes or the signal given by the immediate environment are: “We cannot buy this particular toy today, but we can look into buying it in a few days” – here the child is not denied a toy out rightly nor he has been given the toy immediately and the child doesn’t even end up with a feeling of “I am not good enough”. But, a thought process forms: “I might get what I desire a little late in life, but there is possibility of getting it.” The child’s root thoughts would be to develop patience and persistence for the things he desires.

It is practically impossible to change the immediate environment’s thought process as they have been formed from generations. The problems which you are facing currently are somewhere related to these root thoughts. Being, aware of that is very essential. After being aware of it, you need to accept that the formation of these root thoughts is nobody’s fault, after that you need to have the strong desire to change your root the thoughts which works for you thus, cutting the root thoughts of your lineage and also your future lineage. Note, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to cut any relations with your family members just that their root thoughts will not affect you in your present and future life. You won’t attract the problems from those root thoughts ... as now your root thoughts are different.

Generally, one goes into self - analysis when one is going through a crisis situations. You would want the answers of all the “Whys” then. For seeking those answers we go everywhere, we read self - help books, go to a guru, philosophers, go to a counsellor, attend seminars, suddenly we become religious...all these are the process to becoming aware of your “root thoughts” and an attempt to change it as well. Many people get stuck in the mid – way and the process remains incomplete.    

Here are few pointers which can help you not only seek answers to your Whys but also, fight back ...when life throws @ you some of it’s toughest challenges:  
1) Ask Why’s. Be aware that somewhere your thought is also responsible for the crisis you are facing in the present. Go thought behind the thought. Ask why such thought has occurred till you reach your root thought.      

2)Take Responsibility. Go to the usual process of taking someone’s help, whether a guru, counsellor, philosopher, religion, go to various workshops, read books, etc...but also keep in mind that all these people and things are just part of the process...just guides and angels to, help you, support you ... but, the journey is yours and yours taking the leap of changing your Root Thoughts is only your responsibility.    

3) Change the Thought. If your root thought is, “I am not good enough”. Start observing your you think...sit for 15 minutes with yourself in silence to listen to yourself more clearly. Catch yourself whenever you say, “I cannot afford it”; “it’s nice but, it’s only for rich people”; or “I haven’t proved myself enough to buy such an expensive watch”, etc. Stop the thought process then and there... instead put a positive statement like, “I deserve all things I desire”.

Of course, these are the initial steps and part 2 and 3 will have more of details and a holistic perspective. Our human thoughts are very precious... like you take care of your gold, silver, car, investments, etc., the same way you need to take care of your thoughts, keep doing its maintenance, keep upgrading it.

FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies will be your support if you need one to change these Root Thoughts. Write us an email.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Soul Mate

Soul Mate ... hmmm... how to recognize a soul mate? Is there a particular time when a soul mate enters your life? Why don’t I ever get soul mate kinda feeling with anyone? Do you only have one soul mate in one lifetime? Is it necessary to marry your soul mate? Are soul mates permanent in our life? Is it essential that only when you get romantic connection to someone...then they are called soul mate? Is there anything called Soul Mate? Do you in these times get those real connections? Can we call our soul mate?

Here’s an attempt to answer the above question solely based on my personal experience:

There are lot of people one gets attracted to...there are double amount of temptations in all areas of life.....but, there comes a time in life ... when you meet someone, when you talk to someone .... and you are settled, suddenly that search stops...and then you have met have met your soul mate.

A soul mate is somebody you would feel connected to, you would trust right from the first meet. Somebody you have met for the first time but, you talk, you behave as if you know that person from long. All the 3: Mind, Body and Heart are aligned.

Few signs:
   1) Being with that person will always feel right.
   2) You will be very comfortable with that person, it will feel like home.
   3) You would be able to be yourself with your soul mate without any effort.
   4) You would enjoy and love that person’s presence in your life.
   5) Usually, soul mates will enrich your life in some way. 
   6) The attraction will be mutual.

Like Love, a soul mate can enter anytime in your life. We human beings have kept ourselves restricted saying that after a certain age one can’t fall in love, or one can’t learn a particular thing, one has to be matured and serious after you cross your teenage and what not. But, universe knows nothing of these things. For the universe, there is no time and age restriction and it will provide you with soul mate as and how you ask for it consciously or subconsciously.

We have multiple soul mates in one lifetime. Some come in our life to fulfill some purpose, some come as an angel to help in a particular situation, some stay in our life for a long time, some just come in our life to learn from us or to teach us, some come in the form of friends, etc.

A soul mate sometimes enters your life because you have to work together towards something, you or the soul mate requires a specific kind of help and after that help is might never see them again, sometimes it comes in the form of old friend who re – enters your life when you are in dire need for support, sometimes a complete stranger just enters your life and sweeps you away and becomes a part of your life, and sometimes you know a person for a decade or so but, the connection would happen at a later stage in life.

Times like these where there is so much of dirty politics wherever we go, lot of anger, hatred, sadness, despair, distress...these are the times we require to believe in miracles, to call our soul mates to help us and others, support us, to fulfil our life’s mission. Soul Mates are required to be working together now more than ever so that human’s can bring world back again from Dark, Fear and Depression to Light, Love and Laughter.

A soul mate can come in the form of lover, guru, friend, business partner, child, sibling, parent, teacher, relative, a complete stranger, etc.

When Universe sends you a soul mate it will be the right time, right place, and right just need to respect it. 

FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies would once again become a Platform if you want to attract Soul Mates for marriage, business associates, teacher, student, child, etc. etc.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Monday, October 8, 2012

Honouring One’s Initial Promise

There are a lot of promises we make throughout our life...some promises we keep, some promises we break, some promises we don’t know why we make, some promises we just make to avoid further discussion without any intention to keep them.

In my previous article on Honouring One’s Promise I have emphasized that one should be very careful in making promises and if a promise is made it should be fulfilled. But, there are some promises an individual makes right from the day he is born and no matter how difficult those promises get in our life needs to continuously be kept.

Our initial promises are: promise to always remain happy, promise to always be yourself, promise to take care of our physical, emotional, and intellectual needs, promise to always be a light being, promise to maintain our dignity in any situation, etc.

Once in a while having a drink or a smoke is different from daily putting in dosage of alcohol and smoke into your body; once in a while eating junk food is different from pumping in your body loads of cheese burgers, french fries, fine white flour, soft drinks, etc.; once in a while staying miserable is different from daily living a miserable life; once in a while having problem in a healthy relationship is different from not having a healthy relationship at all; once in a while condemning oneself, criticizing oneself, not valuing how god has created you is different from daily having feelings of low self esteem, self worth, etc.

Day in and day out we abuse our body, mind and soul by denying a healthy living, because we don’t listen to what our heart really wants - we destruct our body, our mind and our soul in very many different ways. We break our initial promise every day, every hour and then we question God why our prayers are not answered, why God always punishes us, why always God gives us so many problems.....but do we ever listen to God’s cry....listen to God’s plea to stop destroying our body and start enjoying it in a constructive and safe way, to stop being in an unhealthy relationship and trust God to send a soul mate so that we can experience a healthy relationship, to start valuing oneself as God has created everyone unique and different and not valuing oneself is an insult to God’s creation and one’s own journey of life.

This article is just an attempt to remind ourselves of our Initial Promise which is filling our being, our self with Light, Love and Laughter.

As always FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies will be your strength while you resilient back to fulfilling your Initial Promise.  

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;        

Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012 Onwards

Why is 2012 so important? 
Let me share a story:

Once upon a time a couple had around 10 children. They were a happy family. They had a huge farm where the couple use to work hard and grow all kinds of vegetables and fruits and had varied animals.  While growing up the couple gave their children all the freedom to do what their will was. The couple let their children choose for themselves what they want to do or what they desire to do. Eventually, all the 10 children began to handle the family farm. They did a lot of progress in the farm, but they started developing ego – big and shallow...wherein, they started taking things and relationships for granted, they started thinking that they are the ones who have done everything in this farm and they can use it’s resources as they like it. They forgot that their parents have created this farm by their hard work, sincerity and dedication. They started treating their parents badly...not valuing what they have done for them. They also started fighting among themselves by condemning each other and blaming each other, fighting for house and farm properties. In their fights, they nearly destroyed their farm. Seeing that their children are destroying everything what they have created with so much love, care and detailing the parents got angry and decided to take matters in their hands. They scolded their children, they kicked some of them out of the property because they were not listening to them and were not ready to forgive their siblings and let go of their egos to live peacefully.

All the 10 children went through a shift in their lives after their parents decided “Enough is Enough”. The children who could break their egos and were willing to let go...had a minor shift in their lives and were supported by their parent in the process of letting go of their angry, old ego structure, hatred¸ etc. Whereas, the ones who were not ready to let go of these destructive emotions were thrown out of the house and farm till they realize that...

Creation is more important than Destruction, Love has 10 times more power than Hatred, Brotherhood and Support is much more valuable than Materialistic things, Learning to Accept others and yourself is much needed skills which one needs to develop than the skill of Computers, or Accounting.

This is what is happening in 2012 and years that will follow...

The Universe is saying, “Enough Is Enough...I will not let my children destroy the earth, planet and universe which I have created with so much love, care and detailing”. 

That’s why Universe is not allowing anyone who’s into manipulation, dirty politics, fighting with their fellow brothers, having big and shallow egos, anger towards oneself and others, attitude of self – injury with ‘n’ number of addictions, into any kind of relationship which is harmful to oneself, etc. to progress.

Now, if you are observing around you... old structures are getting destroyed, power of big economies who have slowly and systematically been destroying the weaker economies since so many years is being taken away from them, people who have always believed in love, brotherhood, creation, development, real progress, taking care and valuing of our Nature and Mother Earth are gaining more power and people with same belief are joining hands together for the betterment of our Earth and Universe.

Universe is putting us in our place by showing us that it is still in control and it will not give free lease to anyone who doesn’t value what’s being given.

Many people will find major shifts happening in their lives some things are for good and some things one might find it tough or you would not know why it is happening with the universe.

Here are few tips I would like to share, which I find it useful for my own self:     
1) First and foremost, dissolve your ego...

a)      You have anger towards your sibling, your wife, anyone else...confront them, sort it out with love and lot of acceptance. Accept that the other person is different, unique and changing that person is going to make you all the more frustrated and helpless. Let go, forgive and forget. And after doing all this, if you are still not able go ahead with that relationship then bless that person and walk towards your own journey.

b)      You have to learn again to be not the only intelligent one, smart one, spiritual are what you are because the Creator/Universe/God is supporting you. If you are a billionaire it is because you are the chosen one...because God wants you to solve few world’s problems. If you are very's because God had made you its messenger to empower others with success and livelihood. If you’re are full of light, laughter and confidence... it’s because God wants you to spread those things among people who are living in dark, sadness and low self – esteem. So, thank god and value what has been given to you and recognize the purpose of your wealth, skill, talent, etc.

2) Accept and Love have regrets about the past, you have concern about your future...stop...start living your present, enjoy what life is offering you now. The more you regret about the past...more you worry about your future...more your inner energy get stuck up. Living in presence will allow you to lighten yourself, be spontaneous, and will help to listen to your inner voice more clearly.

3) If you condemn yourself, abuse yourself, get into any form of addictions are insulting your parents, Creator/Universe/God for creating you the way you are. Tell yourself everyday, “I Love myself and my Life is filled with lot of Light, Love and Laughter.” 

4) Listen to your inner voice...have the courage to implement what your inner voice is trying to tell will observe that in year 2012 & onwards...your inner voice has become more stronger and audible than before. Universe now more than ever wants you to listen to your inner voice, to do things which resonates with your soul, which your conscience agrees with, which are full of love and care for yourself and others.

5) Loosen yourself up, shake your rigidity, stubbornness and before asking for anything Thank God for giving you all the things, people you have and request God/Universe/Angels/Spiritual Guides to show you the right direction, to guide you in the direction which is right for you. 

6) If you see injustice happening to you, others, mother earth...don't keep quiet...stand up against that injustice. If someone's not respecting your personal space...don't let anyone overstep that boundary. If you believe in a something about to people, get together to do something for it. Universe, more than ever now, wants you to awaken your inner warrior and it wants us human beings to recognize its inner power, strength, compassion, and brotherhood. 

7)There might be a lot of shifting happening in your sit tight, pray, have faith, get all the support you need, get help if required.

In this, exciting year of 2012 and the years that follow...if you need any help, any support, any guidance or you just want to hold a hand to pray ...FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies will always be there and we are just a phone call away.
 DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the’s such a catchy word. When you really start bridging the gap you have with your loved ones it becomes bridging the G..........A.........P...........S........... 

Why is it that maximum problems we have in a relationship are with our close ones? Why many times we can’t just say sorry to the people who matters the most? The parent who have given us birth, who has seen us naked when we are children...why do we try to hide our feelings and desires from them? Why we get so afraid of them? (remember even if you are a is still a form of fear). What engulfs our relation with our parent when we grow up.

Relationship with our siblings is the first relation we experience where we get to learn the values of sharing, caring, protectiveness; we get to learn to fight, make- up and resolve; we get to learn the lessons of first tolerating the other human being - accepting him/her -loving them as your own; people say that after marriage the love between the sibling is lost. Why?

What happens to these first and primal relationships of our life? Does money, competition, sibling rivalry, lack of communication, big ego, and anger take such a deep rooted place in our life that we are not able to fill those G.A.P.S.  OR

Are there some other deep – seated problems...say like, parents always thinking that their child will be a child no matter how much he grows up ...and forget to respect their wishes, desires, their choices; Do siblings forget to give space to each other after marriage? Do we have so much anger and hatred towards each other that we forget that our parents and our sibling are the people we loved the most? As we grow up do we forget to define and re – define our personal and relationship boundaries? Do we forget to respect each other’s personal space?

These boundaries are those fine, thin, and transparent lines which surround every one of us. In spite of them being fine and thin, if it is being crossed, violated, and destroyed...can create havoc in relationships. If these boundaries are understood...a parent or a sibling is not only respecting but also being supportive to their closed ones wishes, choices, right to freedom, and right to live the way he/she prefers.

Why aren’t we taught to respect these boundaries while we are growing up? Why aren’t the most important matters of relationship not given importance in our precious years of education? Why aren't we taught along with competition the importance of being supportive, helping and co – operating with each other? Why aren’t we taught that rather than controlling our loved ones it’s much more satisfying to empower them to take control of their own lives? Why aren’t we taught to express our love freely and openly towards the people we love the most....why are we so afraid to say, “I LOVE YOU”?  Why are we so naive in things that matter?
Well, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered, there are a lot of un – dissolved and un – resolved anger, guilt and hatred that needs to be dissolved and resolved, you want to melt your ego, learn new ways to work towards your relationships with the people you love the most...Well, we @FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies may not have all the answers to your Whys but, definitely we can be your support and your backbone while you are getting your answers, while after a long time you are saying these golden words “I Love You” to your closed ones, while you giving just a simple HUG to your closed ones which will dissolve, resolve and melt all the ego.

So make an appointment if you think you need help and support when you re – learning how to work with the most important thing that matters.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Monday, May 21, 2012

When You Are In Love...

When you are in Love...suddenly you believe in the power of prayer, presence of higher power.

When you are in Love...suddenly you realize the importance of letting go, sacrifices does not seem like sacrifices.

When you are in Love...suddenly that person’s problems are your problems, that person’s happiness is your happiness.

When you are in Love...suddenly there is a shift from being possessive to being protective, 

When you are in Love...suddenly there is a shift from a tinge of jealousy to assisting that person in their dream fulfillment.

When you are in Love...suddenly mistakes that person makes become humane and forgiveness becomes your second nature.

When you are in Love...suddenly you stop caring what the world will think and stand by that person no matter what.

When you are in Love...suddenly being in that person’s bad phase will become more important than being present in their good times.

When you are in Love...suddenly the meaning of trust is no longer fidelity but honesty.

When you are in Love... suddenly you are prepared for all the acid test, need not worry about studying to pass that test.

When you are in Love...suddenly all the people who are close to that person becomes close to you as well.

When you are in Love...suddenly it’s not the years but, every moment you spend together that you save in your memory bank.

When you are in Love...suddenly sanctity of your relationship is more important than getting that person.

When you are in Love...suddenly you become a very good human being. 

When you are in Love...suddenly no planning, no strategy, no intellect works...when heart takes over. 

Love just happens and then it happens and it keeps happening...

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Being Educated...

Why is it that spite of getting educated, having degrees like Masters and Ph.D’s and making progress in all the spheres of life...we human beings aren’t able to make a drastic progress in broadening our mindset?

Though this question has always bothered me ...Are we just literate but, not really educated? Is schools just providing us the skill set to survive in this world? Are we just getting polished externally ... and our internal self isn’t getting touched in the face of survival, competition, the need to be on top, to earn ‘enough’ money, to have a better and bigger standard of living, etc.
It has always been my observation that having a broad mindset and being educated is no where even closely related. Then I started thinking... what is it that we aren’t able to learn in our most precious years of getting educated? Why after all our school, college, university, masters, Ph.D. we are still where we began? We still have the same guilt towards fulfilling one’s biological need, we still discriminate against gender, sexual –orientation, race, caste, creed, wealth, etc. etc. One way or the other human genes is so habituated with forming judgments, the want to discriminate, to demean others is so high that somewhere education is not able to cope with this challenge.

A child’s most important years are the first 10 years wherein, the child builds his foundation, his emotional, mental, and spiritual intellect, his rights and wrongs, his trust levels, his mindset is formed, the first thoughts about life, himself, people around him are formed. Here, it is very important to let child take his own stand and let him decide what according to him is the right thing.

For example, rather than telling him Gandhiji was a great person and Hilter was a dictator and a bad person ... our education should give him the facts and let him decide whether he wants to put these people in any category.

It's a very difficult challenge for any parent and teacher to save a child from absorbing others judgments, preconceived notions, to start discriminate in early age, to form inhibitions towards sex and sensuality. 

What schools can do is give the child a platform of neutrality. As important as it is to learn Maths, Science, History and Geography equal importance should be given to Value Education. Not first half hour but full syllabus should be prepared to discuss on all the values, ethics, inhibitions, discrimination, social evils, etc without forming any judgment – just pure discussion so that a child can hear various point of view and can have an opportunity to question his way of thinking.

Teachers amongst them also should have these group discussions on a regular basis so that they can also question their judgments on various topics and try not to impose their views on the child.
Schools rather than hurrying to finish the syllabus of various subjects should also focus on giving justice to each chapter taught. A child can thrive in natural setting and will never forget anything taught to him with examples, role play, seeing with its eye a valley, a historic spot, etc. Here, parents can also help. A parent – teacher association can go a long way. It is important to let a child be his natural self like be full of joy, play as much as possible, to encourage his creativity and talent in various arenas of life.

In this formative years, if a child’s creativity, talent, intelligence, a broaden outlook, and a questioning attitude is developed then a society, country and the world @ large will have to worry less about problems like discrimination, inhibitions, etc. Social evils are also likely to reduced. Same way, a parent will never have to worry about how their child will earn their living as the initial creativity and talent development can go a long way for that child.

A skill can be developed anytime...our society does not have to worry about that. What it needs to really worry about is our children’s mind and what gets imprinted on them.

FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies conducts regular group discussions with children on various topics according to their age groups. If you desire that your child should open up to questioning his/her judgments, preconceived notions before it gets imprinted for long, do email us to fix an appointment.     
DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Honouring One's Promise

Are you always in conflict within your own self? Do you desire something and you get something else? Even if you get what you are never happy with that thing? Do you feel you always are surrounded with wrong people? Do you feel you are always complaining in life? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Have you gone beyond blaming your parents, teachers, society and delve within your own self asking why am I in this situation?

Once you start asking these questions, there will be lot of things that come up, among all these revelations, I want to discuss here one such revelations which is Not Honouring Oneself. 

You would remember things you have promised to others in the past which you have never been able to fulfill. Either because you never intended to fulfill those promises or you got so busy with your other priorities that you never had that time to fulfill the promises you made to other people. You will also be reminded of the promises you made to yourself but never honoured them every now and then by the Universe.

You may think, “Oh, well it was just a promise”. Well, not for the Universe. Universe is full of cobwebs of energies ...energies of our words, our thoughts, our actions. The minute your promises are not honoured ...BOOM!!!

When you make a promise to others or to your self saying, “I promise I’ll never do it again.” Or “I’ll finish this work before the end of this year.” Or “I promise to be present at this time.” Or “I have made a particular resolution for this year” and when you ask yourself at the end of the year “Oh, I just make these resolution every year...never implement them.” – Well, there’s your broken promise.

Right from your birth up until now how many such promises you have broken? How many promises you have never even given a second thought to? How many promises you have made an effort to honour?

More the cobwebs in the Universe under your name...more the confusion, more you will not be satisfied within yourself, more you will get betrayals in life, more people will cheat on you, more you will come across losses, more you would get into situations and meet people with whom you would feel lost, you would always feel you don’t belong here or you deserve better.

Lot of religion, lot of masters, gurus, and learned historians have said that 2012 will be the end of this earth. I believe year 2012 is the end of all the lies, all the betrayals everyone is going through. There’s a lot of change that is going to take place in our personal lives in this year and next will be forced to delve within yourself. More you resistant, more dramas you will face in your life until you look within yourself. You want to be with the universe, you want to manifest all the things you desire, you want to get that perfect life ... well, universe will give that to you but, you need to be clear what you want, you need to be very careful not to promise anything you have no intention of honouring it – whether to others or to your own self.

This is what I am going to do to dissolve my cobwebs:
1) Firstly, I am going to look back at all the promises I have made in my past to others as well as to myself which I have not honoured.

2) After that, I am going to evaluate which of those promises I can still honour. Start honouring them one by one. And, if I can’t honour them I am going to ask forgiveness for breaking those promises either to that particular person or to myself or to the universe.

3) Be careful, while I make any promise to anyone or to myself. Think 10 times whether I will be able to fulfill those promises. Even if I were to give anyone any promise, I would see to it that I would do everything in my power to keep that promise.

4) Don’t get tempted to make any promises as an easy way out. One can always think about a promise and get back on it.

You want to gain clarity as to what do you want from life or why life’s such a mess or why you have so many difficulties honouring promises -  
fix up an appointment @ FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) together we can work a solution for you...and that’s a PROMISE.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
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