Monday, October 8, 2012

Honouring One’s Initial Promise

There are a lot of promises we make throughout our life...some promises we keep, some promises we break, some promises we don’t know why we make, some promises we just make to avoid further discussion without any intention to keep them.

In my previous article on Honouring One’s Promise I have emphasized that one should be very careful in making promises and if a promise is made it should be fulfilled. But, there are some promises an individual makes right from the day he is born and no matter how difficult those promises get in our life needs to continuously be kept.

Our initial promises are: promise to always remain happy, promise to always be yourself, promise to take care of our physical, emotional, and intellectual needs, promise to always be a light being, promise to maintain our dignity in any situation, etc.

Once in a while having a drink or a smoke is different from daily putting in dosage of alcohol and smoke into your body; once in a while eating junk food is different from pumping in your body loads of cheese burgers, french fries, fine white flour, soft drinks, etc.; once in a while staying miserable is different from daily living a miserable life; once in a while having problem in a healthy relationship is different from not having a healthy relationship at all; once in a while condemning oneself, criticizing oneself, not valuing how god has created you is different from daily having feelings of low self esteem, self worth, etc.

Day in and day out we abuse our body, mind and soul by denying a healthy living, because we don’t listen to what our heart really wants - we destruct our body, our mind and our soul in very many different ways. We break our initial promise every day, every hour and then we question God why our prayers are not answered, why God always punishes us, why always God gives us so many problems.....but do we ever listen to God’s cry....listen to God’s plea to stop destroying our body and start enjoying it in a constructive and safe way, to stop being in an unhealthy relationship and trust God to send a soul mate so that we can experience a healthy relationship, to start valuing oneself as God has created everyone unique and different and not valuing oneself is an insult to God’s creation and one’s own journey of life.

This article is just an attempt to remind ourselves of our Initial Promise which is filling our being, our self with Light, Love and Laughter.

As always FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies will be your strength while you resilient back to fulfilling your Initial Promise.  

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;        


  1. your thinking is very rational..dii...these thoughts are to be used in daily life by men and women

  2. So true! Taking the first responsibility for our well being - physical and emotional, makes all the difference in how we look at life's situations and people around us. The Initial Promises shd be kept no matter the tide is high or low. Very well said Darsha!
