Monday, May 21, 2012

When You Are In Love...

When you are in Love...suddenly you believe in the power of prayer, presence of higher power.

When you are in Love...suddenly you realize the importance of letting go, sacrifices does not seem like sacrifices.

When you are in Love...suddenly that person’s problems are your problems, that person’s happiness is your happiness.

When you are in Love...suddenly there is a shift from being possessive to being protective, 

When you are in Love...suddenly there is a shift from a tinge of jealousy to assisting that person in their dream fulfillment.

When you are in Love...suddenly mistakes that person makes become humane and forgiveness becomes your second nature.

When you are in Love...suddenly you stop caring what the world will think and stand by that person no matter what.

When you are in Love...suddenly being in that person’s bad phase will become more important than being present in their good times.

When you are in Love...suddenly the meaning of trust is no longer fidelity but honesty.

When you are in Love... suddenly you are prepared for all the acid test, need not worry about studying to pass that test.

When you are in Love...suddenly all the people who are close to that person becomes close to you as well.

When you are in Love...suddenly it’s not the years but, every moment you spend together that you save in your memory bank.

When you are in Love...suddenly sanctity of your relationship is more important than getting that person.

When you are in Love...suddenly you become a very good human being. 

When you are in Love...suddenly no planning, no strategy, no intellect works...when heart takes over. 

Love just happens and then it happens and it keeps happening...

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;


  1. Dear Darsha,

    What a piece you have written! So much can happen when in love! No wonder love is the most powerful. Love is a universal remedy for most ills of the world, like hatred, jealousy, selfishness, dishonesty, anger, bitterness, sadness, etc. True love also frees the loved one.

  2. :) I share the wonderful sentiments that come from that elevating experience. - When in love, you just feel inspired to become a better person than you already are! And i know it is definitely deeper than what people call the 'first flush' or 'infatuation'; because it lasts. And so rightly as you mention, the sanctity of the relationship becomes much more important than getting the person. - Sometimes, even when you know a relationship is not going to materialise, you just want that sanctity to be maintained....all because it really IS more important. - So well said, Darsha!

    "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

    - Lao-Tzu.

  3. :) I share the wonderful sentiments that come from that elevating experience. - When in love, you just feel inspired to become a better person than you already are! And i know it is definitely deeper than what people call the 'first flush' or 'infatuation'; because it lasts. And so rightly as you mention, the sanctity of the relationship becomes much more important than getting the person. - Sometimes, even when you know a relationship is not going to materialise, you just want that sanctity to be maintained....all because it really IS more important. - So well said, Darsha!

    "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

    - Lao-Tzu.
