Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Soul Mate

Soul Mate ... hmmm... how to recognize a soul mate? Is there a particular time when a soul mate enters your life? Why don’t I ever get soul mate kinda feeling with anyone? Do you only have one soul mate in one lifetime? Is it necessary to marry your soul mate? Are soul mates permanent in our life? Is it essential that only when you get romantic connection to someone...then they are called soul mate? Is there anything called Soul Mate? Do you in these times get those real connections? Can we call our soul mate?

Here’s an attempt to answer the above question solely based on my personal experience:

There are lot of people one gets attracted to...there are double amount of temptations in all areas of life.....but, there comes a time in life ... when you meet someone, when you talk to someone .... and you are settled, suddenly that search stops...and then you have met have met your soul mate.

A soul mate is somebody you would feel connected to, you would trust right from the first meet. Somebody you have met for the first time but, you talk, you behave as if you know that person from long. All the 3: Mind, Body and Heart are aligned.

Few signs:
   1) Being with that person will always feel right.
   2) You will be very comfortable with that person, it will feel like home.
   3) You would be able to be yourself with your soul mate without any effort.
   4) You would enjoy and love that person’s presence in your life.
   5) Usually, soul mates will enrich your life in some way. 
   6) The attraction will be mutual.

Like Love, a soul mate can enter anytime in your life. We human beings have kept ourselves restricted saying that after a certain age one can’t fall in love, or one can’t learn a particular thing, one has to be matured and serious after you cross your teenage and what not. But, universe knows nothing of these things. For the universe, there is no time and age restriction and it will provide you with soul mate as and how you ask for it consciously or subconsciously.

We have multiple soul mates in one lifetime. Some come in our life to fulfill some purpose, some come as an angel to help in a particular situation, some stay in our life for a long time, some just come in our life to learn from us or to teach us, some come in the form of friends, etc.

A soul mate sometimes enters your life because you have to work together towards something, you or the soul mate requires a specific kind of help and after that help is might never see them again, sometimes it comes in the form of old friend who re – enters your life when you are in dire need for support, sometimes a complete stranger just enters your life and sweeps you away and becomes a part of your life, and sometimes you know a person for a decade or so but, the connection would happen at a later stage in life.

Times like these where there is so much of dirty politics wherever we go, lot of anger, hatred, sadness, despair, distress...these are the times we require to believe in miracles, to call our soul mates to help us and others, support us, to fulfil our life’s mission. Soul Mates are required to be working together now more than ever so that human’s can bring world back again from Dark, Fear and Depression to Light, Love and Laughter.

A soul mate can come in the form of lover, guru, friend, business partner, child, sibling, parent, teacher, relative, a complete stranger, etc.

When Universe sends you a soul mate it will be the right time, right place, and right just need to respect it. 

FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies would once again become a Platform if you want to attract Soul Mates for marriage, business associates, teacher, student, child, etc. etc.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;


  1. Lovely Post. I am sure this will help many find their soulmates.
    Keep Writing such wonderful self help pieces
