Sunday, December 22, 2013


Miracles Happen when you give energy to your dreams then your fears

Many people feel miracles, magic happens only in fairy tales.

I Believe,

Miracles happen when you are your best friend.

Miracles happen when you trust that if God has given you a dream – God has also given you the potential/resources to fulfill those dreams.

One just needs to believe in oneself.

One just needs to put the self doubt instilled by oneself and society in our heart aside – look from the inner child’s perspective for whom everything is possible.

One just needs to trust the nature again...what the nature is telling you instead of trusting anything that is artificial. For Ex: if a couple is not able to have a child – listen to the nature/ might tell you to do few things. Many times these things might not be irrelevant to child planning, many times it might be the toughest thing one must have done, many times you need to complete few incomplete things in your life to actually be ready to welcome a child in your life.

You have a dream project/dream work – listen to your intuition. For ex: You have a dream to have a factory – your intuition is asking you to talk to a person – it may not always be that it will give you a solution but, it will definitely start a chain reaction so that you can reach your destination.

Listen to your Gut Instinct, Intuition, Subconscious... Always Trust Yourself, Nature, and God... Develop Courage to follow them – it will always have all solutions to your problems.  

Most of the times,

Universe is just waiting for you to gather that courage – to take your first step towards your dreams so that it can assist you with the rest 99 steps.

Universe is just waiting for you to be aware that the Ego, Complexes you have is not what you assist you to a path of laughter.

Universe is just waiting for you to just dissolve your anger, destructive and negative energies so that it can assist you with re – learning to love yourself and others.

Universe is just waiting for you to realize the real way to worship a GOD, the real reason for any religion – so that it can assist you to find light – to find GOD within yourself.

Universe is just waiting for you to face your fears and give all your energies to your dreams so that it can assist you in the fulfillment of your dreams.

You want assistance in experience life full of contact us @FUDOL Therapies

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Monday, October 7, 2013

Self Harm

Addiction, Bulimia, Anorexia, Suicidal Attempt, Taking Drugs, Cutting Oneself, Procrastination, etc. are classic cases of Self – Harm. (Self – Harm is a word given by FUDOL Therapies for the above issues.)    

Why it happens?

Over – Ambitious: Need to do everything. This happens in people who are aware about the advantage of working/doing/taking up the profession they are passionate about but, the real life/their present life isn’t allowing them to follow their passion. So, they keep juggling and keep filling the gaps between the real life & the dream life.


a) Either leave your present life and the perks it is offering and follow your passion or accept that you will not be able to follow everything.

b) If you are juggling with too many things and are not finding time for yourself, or not getting enough sleep, not able to keep yourself healthy because your mind is always pre - occupied with things to do. All this are few of the reasons of inflicting pain @ yourself then, cut down few activities – no aspiration is worth your health. Accept your limitations as a human being and believe universe will always give you another chances to do those things.

Extremist: People having/following extreme morals – “the rights" or “the wrongs”...they don’t believe in grey area and are very strict on themselves and expect others to follow the same strictness.


a) Give a break to yourself & others. Till we are human beings...we will have dichotomy, hypocrisy, evil practices, etc. The opposites will always exist: if there are righteousness there will be wrong – doing, if there are corrupt people – there will be revolutionaries. These opposites will always go hand in hand. Though, we are not discouraging the spirit of fighting for a cause but, choose your battles...Remember, you can't fight & win all the battles you believe in.

b) Too much of anything is bad. The same way too much of being in any extreme is going to make you always angry and thus, you would either harm yourself or somewhere your psyche will reflect that inner angry. Try to have a balanced viewpoint.

Self – Harm is rejecting one’s “Imperfect Self”, one is so angry @ oneself that one’s psyche starts harming oneself, and the psyche just wants to destroy oneself...

If you have a habit of harming yourself and want to get out of it do contact us: @FUDOL Therapies.    

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Monday, August 5, 2013

A Fine Line between Sanity and Insanity – Religion

Religion in India is based on the perception that around 10,000 years ago, there was a person who came as a saviour of the suppressed and who has helped remove suffering from people’s life. That person was knowledgeable and enlightened enough to somewhere tap a common man’s soul. Which resulted in people following him and ultimately his followers gave him the status of GOD and started worshiping him especially after his death. Thus, religion was formed. 
There have been many saviours in our Indian history resulting in lot of religions and 10 times as many ways to worship that GOD. And when people are in trouble they remember the GOD and since the power of their ideologies and their AURA’s were so powerful that it gives the worshiper the strength, courage and peace of mind when in stress or distress.

So, why was there a shift from following a religion and a GOD to thinking that our religion and GOD is the only correct form of worship or correct form of religion?

When did our sane minds stop respecting humanity in the process of following a religion?

Why did our sane minds feel a religion formed around 10,000 years back is more important than the alive person present in front of us?

How did our sane minds run after a GOD which existed around 10,000 years ago but, stop seeing GOD which resides within every living being around you?

Is religion just a sane excuse to bring all our insanity in forefront?

Does believing the religion we are following is superior, a sane way to show how much our heart, mind and action are disillusioned?

Do we think the GOD we believe in would have been happy by the behaviour of all of us towards each other on basis of religion?

Don’t we think that GOD if present now would have been shamed of the insanity we are showing by discriminating against each other on GOD’s name?

Don’t we think that the GOD we believe in will feel insulted that rather than preaching about love, brotherhood and forgiveness towards fellow human beings instead, on his name we are spreading hatred, paranoia and insanity of our minds?

Don’t we think rather than have many places of worship/pray in one city, our respective GOD would have been happy if we feed hundreds of thousand of children and people around us who live below poverty?

Have we forgotten to listen to our hearts, to keep that innocent child alive in us, to value human life around us than an ideology formed 10,000 years ago to suit that era?

Have we got so stuck much with rituals, with the obsession of being religious that somewhere we have started crossing that fine line between sanity and insanity?

We @FUDOL Therapies want you to ask these questions to no one but yourself and see what your soul/heart answers.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Empowering a Child’s Self Image

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
---- Frederick Douglass

In psychology, a person’s childhood is given a lot of importance because it believes that a child’s first 7 years create a big impact on the person’s psyche. A Child will turn out as a loving, warm and compassionate adult or will turn out as an insecured, angry, bitter adult will depend upon his childhood. 

Now, it is very easy to point fingers at a parent that they were not able to bring up an adult who’s constructive and not destructive towards himself, others, society, nation, and the world. While in a country like India where most of the children are brought up in a joint family and around relatives like grandparents, chacha, chichi, buva, mausi, elder cousin siblings, etc. it becomes very difficult for a parent to monitor everybody’s behaviour towards the child thus, resulting in verbal, physical, psychological, emotional abuse on the child. Sometimes, even if a parent is aware of this kind of abuse happening with the child they would not be able to stand up for the child as she will be afraid of fights in family or because she herself is living under constant fear.

We might say, now people are educated they would not indulge in any kind of abuse with the child even if it’s a Joint Family. Well, I regret to say that education has done nothing to destroy the satisfaction which an adult feels when he/she destroys Self – Image and Self – Esteem of a person who is inferior in terms of age, wealth, fame, etc. 

An adult who is himself very insecured and has low Self – Image will find power to crush a child’s Self – Image. And before a child enters the world as an adult, he is as a person full of self doubt, insecurity and crushed Self – Image which results in either being a bully or getting bullied. Both inferiority complex and superiority complex is a result of Crushed Self Image.

Let’s take a scenario:

Where, you living in a Joint Family and your child is being constantly spoken to in a rude and mocking language, your child is constantly being criticized, condemned and ridiculed by few members of the family. These are the different ways a parent would handle the situation: 

1) Learn to Tolerate...You will become Strong
When the child comes to you crying about the misbehaviour happening to him/her or when the misbehaviour to your child happens in your presence and if you tell your child that “It is okie, just ignore it...that’s how that person’s nature is. Learn to tolerate, learn to take it in your will become strong.”

Message to the child:
 I am not worthy enough. Since, my mom/dad also does not stand up for me maybe I deserve to be treated badly.

Result of this in Child’s Life:
a)      If a child comes out stronger than he/she will become aggressive and a bully because in his psyche he is still angry at her parents for not protecting him to stand up for himself. And the only way he knew to be strong was to either earn fame, success or become powerful and then bully people.

b)      That child when he becomes an adult will allow others to behave badly with him. The relationships that adult has in future would also involve patterns of some kind of abuse. That adult will only tolerate nonsense happening because “he does not deserve to be treated well.”

c)       Rarely, a strong and repaired adult will come out of this kind of tolerance.

2) Protecting Your Child
Every time your child comes crying because of the misbehaviour happening and you go and fight for him and stand up for him.

Message to the Child:
My Parents are there for me whenever something wrong happens to me and they will solve my problems every time. I never have to do anything as my parent will take care of me.

Result of this in Child’s Life:    
When they go out in the real world they would always search for a parent who will protect them...which they might not get and thus, resulting in breakdown and inability to handle rejecction.

3) Empowering the Child’s Self Image
Now, when a child comes to you crying about someone in the family misbehaving with him or when you see misbehaviour happening to your child. Talk to your child in person.

Form a strategy with your child to help him stand up for himself. Like, if a member is talking in a bitter manner to the child. Ask the child to address that uncle or aunt asking, “I will only do this work if you tell Please.” Or “I will only do your work if you talk properly to me”, or just stay silent and not respond back to that uncle till he realizes.

Explain to him the truth:
a)      Explain him that you have certain limitations in voicing or taking stand but, would support the child in standing up for himself. And when the child is standing up for himself don’t start lecturing the child as the child will get a confused message.

b)      Explain that you want the Child to stand up for himself and you would help the child and intervene whenever you feel the need to. And do intervene whenever you feel the need to...your intervention helps the child feel that though, I am independent but whenever I will need my parents they will be there to stand up for me.

Result of this in Child’s Life:
The child will always be grateful to the parent for the early lessons of standing up for things which are wrong. When he becomes an adult, he would not only stand up for himself but also, others around him, society, nation and the world at large. He will know that he deserves to be treated well and thus, in turn would treat others well and in turn, create a human environment around him which is filled with love rather than bitterness.

Today I read a nice quote on whtsapp: Which I would dedicate to all the people who are bitter towards a child on the pretext that it will help the child prove himself/herself:

“All too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, someone who will listen, a compliment or the smallest act of kindness. All of which have the power to turn someone’s life around.” - Leo Buscaglia

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Off Your Path - 2 (Respect! Love! Recognition!)

Every human being craves to be Respected in their relationships, Respected by people for what he is.

Every human being desires Recognition for the knowledge, intelligence, persona and the work he is doing.

Every human being wants to be Loved truly & dearly by someone special and Love unconditionally by his family member.

Lack of respect, love & recognition in one’s life can mean that he is not socially recognized, his family members & closed ones does not love him, and he is not respected for what he is.

Does that mean the appropriate way to earn respect, love and recognition is to become successful and earn lots of money? Well, this way definitely you would have people’s respect, love & recognition but, the minute money is taken away from your life....will it mean you would again be back to where you were in terms of respect, recognition and love. There are chances that while you have success and money it will always keep you in that fear and insecurity to always cling to that success & money – which might make you do all the immoral, unethical things which does not resonate with your Heart or Inner Self or God or your Soul.

If you choose the path which is truly is a difficult path as every second day your ego will be challenged because there will be times your own family members would not respect you as they don’t understand your path. There will be loneliness even though you would be surrounded by people who would love you but the love would be totally politicized and conditional. There might be times when you would get angry at the unjust world as your work is not recognized because it is too bold, because it challenges the old structures. The fruits of walking on your own path are a) you will be doing God’s work and b) Though there will be few people but, they would unconditionally  Respect you, Love you  & Recognize your work.

If you choose the path what everyone is following is also a very difficult path as you would never be @peace within yourself. There will be a constant push & pull from your mind & heart. But, there will be Respect, Love & Recognition till you follow the societal rules.

In this era, we are finding a lot of people who are choosing to walk on their own path...which is the Path of God/ Path of Highest Truth/Path of Soul. There would be times when you would get so depressed, you would feel so unworthy, bogged down that it would get difficult to walk on the Path of Your Soul. So, in those times when you need a support FUDOL Therapies will always be there for you to understand and stand like a rock. You just need to fix up an appointment:

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Monday, June 3, 2013

Off Your Path?

Every soul enters the world with a purpose. The purpose is always to walk it’s path. Of course, the ultimate path is to know, “He is the Universe, and the whole universe is ONE.” This might take several births to achieve. Every soul in every birth has its own path: some soul would take birth to understand the complexity of emotions, love vs fear, mind, body, relationships, etc. Every soul has it’s own path to walk.

When a person is born he is equipped to live his life full of love, to be always in light and laughter. Right from the beginning we have been given tools to live peaceful, in harmony with ourselves and others, to live in abundance in all areas of life. These are the tools we are equipped with:

a) Mother’s Love:
People who have read Harry Potter...knows what I am talking about. In the book, Harry Potter’s mother had created a strong protection around Harry in such a way that it was impossible for the most powerful dark wizard to break it. Thus, protecting Harry all through his fights with dark wizards.

Same way right from the day one, when a soul is conceived in the womb of the mother, the soul will know whether it is conceived out of love, whether his mother loves him. The importance of mother’s love here is definitely much more since the soul is inside her womb. If the mother’s love is strong, powerful...the child will be spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally be a healthy and a strong child. He will be able to gain strength from that love which is in built in him on his birth by his mother to face any obstruction he faces while on his path. It will also help him strength his willpower to get on his path...if he is off his path. 

b) Intuition:

Again, mother’s love is a tool given to a soul by an external person. So, sometimes it can be distorted. But, a soul is equipped with another most powerful tool which is called Intuition. The subset of Intuition is 6th sense, telepathy, extra sensory, etc. Intuition is an in - built tool given to every soul. It is like a human in – built compass showing whether the soul’s in the right direction. Intuition will always nudge you in the right direction.

What you require is to know which tiny voice is your intuition and which are other’s voices. There might be times when you are not able to see...why it is nudging you to do a certain thing but, you would soon realize it. Whether you have decided to do what your intuition says or decided to do otherwise... you will soon come to know the domino effect of your decision. 

c) Angels and Guides

When a soul takes is assigned... it’s angels and guides...whom he can ask for help. Surely, there have been times when you are stuck somewhere and suddenly out of nowhere a stranger comes to your rescue. Angels and Guides not only aid you when you are in trouble but also, keep nudging, nagging you towards your path when you are off your path.

Do you many times feel that somebody is just pushing you to do a particular thing? Do you want to buy a car and you are confused between Corolla vs Honda City? And that particular day you keep seeing Honda City... Well, there’s your message to buy Honda City...

Similarly, if we are in trouble situation or off our path...our angels and guides will keep sending us signals, appropriate people, send us to places we would have never gone help us bring us back to our Path. Just we need to recognize those signals.  

How do you know whether you are off your path? Here, are few signs by which you can understand that you are off your path:

1) You are always angry, frustrated, and bitter towards others, which only show that how angry, frustrated and bitter you are towards yourself...because you are not following what your heart says. 

2)   Your heart keeps breaking, people keep hurting you... you have an intuition that a certain person is saying something but is something else inside but, somewhere rather than standing by your intuition you get carried away by what that person is saying.

3) You keep walking the same beaten path...your angels are sending you messages by various means asking you to resign your current job and start your own firm but, you are very comfortable with your current job...and then after some months you get fired.

4) You are being too jumpy, restless, volatile lately...maybe you are aware of what your messages or intuition are telling you but you are finding it difficult to follow them.

5) You have a problem of addiction...harming yourself in any which ways clearly shows you are off your path.

There are many signs which shows you are off your path and there are double ways to bring you on your path.

Currently, I was off my path...and it took a lot of strength and willpower to do the right listen properly to my read my messages right... but, when I was on my path again...I felt: @ Peace, Blessed and In Love with Myself.

So, if you feel you are off your path and require a help to get back on your can contact us:

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Friday, April 19, 2013

Strengthen your Resilient Power towards Problems

Increase your strength from a rock to that of a mountain when a problem starts over powering you...

Challenges are there in everyone’s life...and all of us have the capability, potential and strength to solve the challenges in our life. Till challenges get endured, handled and makes one grow, and instills confidence in oneself.

The challenge turns into a problem when it is persisted for a long time, when you feel stuck, when you are not able to handle it, when it is continuously hurting you, when it is hampering your growth, your behaviour with people around you is changing, when you are not able to be yourself, when you break down every second day, when you have tried being aggressive, assertive, and submissive towards the challenge but, to vain.

Since, all of us have an inbuilt resilient power within us... we can bounce back from the stress of facing a particular challenge. But, when the challenge is of the two things can happen: a) Resilient power gets exhausted or b) Resilient power strengthens.

When the resilient power gets exhausted that would result in an emotional and/or physical breakdown, chances of depression, suicidal feelings, or any other form of mental illness increases.

There are some people around you who can handle as many problems as life throws at them. Many times, one wonders what makes their resilient power stronger than yours. Let’s have a look:

Resilient Power strengthens if you have lived your childhood to its fullest i.e. you have played as much as you can, you have taken small to big challenges – immaterial whether you were able to solve that challenge or not, if as a child you had discovered certain talent, or used to play some sports, used to have friends, had got love, affection, constructive criticism, from elders around you...usually you will have a strong resilient strength as an adult. First 5 to 7 years of a child’s life, the child develops a foundation for a lot of things including the resilient power within themselves i.e. bouncing back from any failure, rejection, perseverance in face of a long unsolved problem, etc.

It helps if one’s childhood is good but, again it doesn’t mean that resilient power cannot be strengthen. Here are few ways resilient power can be strengthen:

When you are facing a certain problem... there are times your inner voice/ angels/god/subconscious will send you hints, signals, either to face that specific problem or either to change your stance or behaviour to that particular problem, or change a particular characteristic/ trait in you. But, we are so cluttered with pain, advices, expectations, “why me’s” that we don’t tend to listen to these small voices which we call intuition. Few ways we can remove the clutter so that we listen to our inner voices:

a) First and foremost remove your house clutter... that’s your environmental clutter. Remove all the unwanted things from your house.
b) Then remove all the emotional clutter... give yourself 2 days, isolate yourself and just filter all your thoughts. One way to do that is by writing down what you feeling i.e. any hurt, pain, any frustration. Or start to drawing - colour/paint. Do it for 2 days and see the clutter clear for you. If not try for another 2 days. 
c) Intuitions will keep coming on and off once the clutter is cleared from your mind and environment. Many times, since it’s a back thought one doesn’t seem to remember it. So keep a dairy and note down any intuit you receive.

 There will be times especially when you are dealing with problems which have lasted for a long time in your life that you will suffer, many times the problem will hit you in the stomach, many times you would feel that you can’t go forward till this problem gets solved. In short, the problem will overpower you, will not let you function well. Below is the technique you can try to make yourself stronger than the problem: 

a) Relax your body. Take 3 deep breaths and slowly, one by one... release the problem from your body right from your toe muscle to your thigh muscle to your facial muscle. For Example, the problem is Anxiety: After relaxing the body...tell your toe muscle to release all the anxiety from every cell of that part . Similarly, with your feet, legs, thigh, stomach, chest, fingers, hand, shoulders, neck, facial and head muscle. Do this exercise daily...initially, twice in a day and after 10 days once a day.

This above techniques will help you 10x your strength i.e. If before you were strong as a rock, you will gain 10 times strength and stand like a mountain when your problems seem to be overwhelming and overpowering you.

You want personalized attention on your long persistent problem and you want someone to talk to about your problem... then, you know how to contact FUDOL Therapies.          

  DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;



Thursday, March 14, 2013

Marriage Healing

Marriage – continuous fights...can’t withstand a conversation

Marriage – can’t get intimate with each other on any levels

Marriage – requires compromises, sacrifices, toleration power

Marriage – now the magic, passion fades away after 5 years

Marriage – ego takes over heart

Marriage – both the partners are on different pages oops...different books

Marriage – getting difficult...

Marriage – a stale institution!

Like every failure... even the downfall or failure of marriage as an institute is also learning for an individual and a society as a whole. These are the things we as a society need to at least take into consideration:

    1)    The Cycle:

Along with other has continuously faced gender discrimination. When we had a patriarchal society, a woman was suppressed, abused, not respected – creating a “weak woman” concept which more than men, women took more advantage of it.

In this century, women are at the fore front in every field, giving tough competition to men. Somewhere the tables are turning and we are moving towards Matriarchal Society which is again an extreme.

What an awakened, educated society needs to understand is equality...equal respect, equal opportunities, equal justice, equal rights, equal duties, equal benefits should be given to all the living being without any discrimination. The cycle of favoring one gender should be stopped ...thus, breaking the cycle. Breaking this cycle will help today’s marriage tremendously.

In a marriage, there has to be openness as to... what responsibility (role wise) will be undertaken by each partner. If a husband wants to stay at home and do the house management, cooking and taking care of should not be mocked upon. Similarly, if a wife wants to be a bread earner and wants to take up that task ... it should be respected.

It is a couple’s choice what task they choose to run their house and family.

     2) Education

We have let education just touch our intellectual self i.e. we have just become much more logical, intelligent, knowledgeable, competitive, practical, diplomatic, etc. resulting in Egoistic outlook which results in damaged relationship.

Once our Ego overpowers us...we stop listening to our Heart and turn a blind eye to the demand of our souls. Competition makes us so paranoid that we stop trusting people around us, because of our shallow ego’s we are not able to say “SORRY”.    

We crush our need of giving and receiving love; we can’t confront the other person if we have felt bad because “they should know” which creates misunderstanding, increasing the communication gap.

    3) Time

Well, there are so many new things to learn, explore and so much to do that I get tired... have no time for my husband/wife. It’s healthy to have the self - identity intact after marriage, having one’s own ambition and goals but, to not know what is happening in each other’s life, to not have same life goals or a common ground when it comes to household, children, finance, fun, pleasure, etc. will eventually lend us on different books all together.

If a couple is on the same book but different page it is much easier for the person ahead to slow down so that his/her partner can catch up. How will you rectify or reduce that gap when you both are on different books?
     4)    Foundation

If your first couple of years in marriage was full of love, care, laughter, passion, etc. it will take less time to heal the distance created during the years of marriage. You just need to give more time to your relationship, to your partner and rejuvenate all the good memories and start making new memories and it should work.

In couples, where there has been issues from the beginning and they haven’t had a full - fledged relationship...they need to work a lot harder. Visit a marriage counselor that you and your partner’s issues are resolved. Work on your ego’s, start doing things together, start forming common goals in marriage, start appreciating each other more often. First it will take efforts then things will start moving in positive direction.

 Rejuvenate the magic in your marriage life...everyone is not a charmer, or a charismatic personality but, anyone can change a situation from dull, boring and monotonous to fun, dynamic, growing.

Stability and Growth are 2 sides of the same coin. Both should be present if a relationship has to flourish and not just survive.  

We @FUDOL Therapies conduct an intensive Integrative Therapy for Marriage is our surety that you will go with rejuvenation and new power in your marriage after you undergo this intensive course. 

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Friday, March 8, 2013

A line between EGO and SELF - RESPECT

I always used to feel that Ego should never enter into a relationship. Maybe, I still feel the same thing. But, somewhere sometimes that fine line between Ego and Self – Respect gets crossed...

Many of us go out of our way for people whom we love...thinking that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Maybe, but we forget to keep our expectations in check. We start expecting that the other person also should love you the same way....ouch! “Resulting in hurt”.

Many times we would give all the love we have in us to the person we love...maybe, that’s how it is supposed to that person our 100%. But, what if you are just at the giving end and there isn’t much receiving of Love happening...oops! Would the Love start getting “exhausted”?

Many times there is a feeling lurking at the back of your mind..."Why isn’t he (he/she) interested in listening to what I have to say?” But you ignore that feeling and keep living in that pretext that both of you are equally involved in the relationship. Is somewhere this feeling “crushing” your self – esteem?

You are always on the lookout for doing something special for that person. May be sometimes you write a love letter for him, other times you make a photo album for him, some other time you just give a rose and say how special he is for you. Do you wonder why there are no such attempts... to make you feel special, coming from the other end? Is it because he is not expressive? Do you somewhere doubt your “special” place in that person’s heart?

Has that happened many times that you only keep buzzing/pinging/calling that person? He hardly initiates the buzzing/pinging/calling you? Do you ignore that on the pretext that it’s okay I don’t want Ego to come in my relationship? But, are you really “okay”?

Does he always make you feel jealous by talking about other girls? Is it happening too often? Do you have that feeling that your “importance” in that relationship is lessened?

When in love, you always try to keep the other person’s problems, needs, smile ahead than your own? Do you feel that there are very rare occasions your problems, needs, smiles are kept into fore front? Are you left with the feeling of “taken for granted”?

If the answers to all the above questions are NO...then there is no need to read any further. If the answer is to any or all the above questions are YES...then let’s see why you end up feeling miserable within yourself, less important, taken for granted, not special, crushed, exhausted, etc.

Is the other person to be blamed for how you feel? How many days/months/years you have let these feelings lurk in your psyche and not addressed them properly? How many subtle hints given to you by that person was just ignored because you want to stay in a fairytale that say, “he will always be mine and I have every right to cling to him.” Are you unclear whether your love is unconditional or you require an equal amount of give­­­ n take in your relationships?  

The minute you make the other person more important in a have crossed that fine line between Ego and Self – Respect.

It takes a lifetime or various births to learn how to Love unconditionally. So here, we are only talking of a relationship where both of them have expectations and the relationship is considered healthy with an equal amount of Give – Take from both the people involved. When there is an imbalance in this give – take that’s when these above feeling crops in. If not addressed properly it would, lead to communication gap, misunderstanding, doubts, manipulation, game playing, etc.

If in case, you have already confronted that person and still those feelings keep persisting than you need to take a back seat. Maybe, you aren’t giving him a chance to show his Love in his own way. Maybe, before he buzzes you, you have already buzzed him. Maybe, he is so overwhelmed by how special he is for you that it has never occurred to him that he also needs to reciprocate that feeling. So, take a back seat for sometime...till then take care of yourself, love yourself, groom yourself and see how it adds spice to your relationship.

If it backfires and he doesn’t respond the way described in the above paragraph then, you definitely deserve someone who loves you equally, who makes you feel special, who understands and respects your needs as much as he understands his.     

In one single line:

“A Relationship starts losing its charm when the other person becomes more important then you...”

@ FUDOL Therapies we are not saying we are an expert in relationships but we will definitely help you recognize and be your support when you are re – discovering your lost importance.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
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