Thursday, March 14, 2013

Marriage Healing

Marriage – continuous fights...can’t withstand a conversation

Marriage – can’t get intimate with each other on any levels

Marriage – requires compromises, sacrifices, toleration power

Marriage – now the magic, passion fades away after 5 years

Marriage – ego takes over heart

Marriage – both the partners are on different pages oops...different books

Marriage – getting difficult...

Marriage – a stale institution!

Like every failure... even the downfall or failure of marriage as an institute is also learning for an individual and a society as a whole. These are the things we as a society need to at least take into consideration:

    1)    The Cycle:

Along with other has continuously faced gender discrimination. When we had a patriarchal society, a woman was suppressed, abused, not respected – creating a “weak woman” concept which more than men, women took more advantage of it.

In this century, women are at the fore front in every field, giving tough competition to men. Somewhere the tables are turning and we are moving towards Matriarchal Society which is again an extreme.

What an awakened, educated society needs to understand is equality...equal respect, equal opportunities, equal justice, equal rights, equal duties, equal benefits should be given to all the living being without any discrimination. The cycle of favoring one gender should be stopped ...thus, breaking the cycle. Breaking this cycle will help today’s marriage tremendously.

In a marriage, there has to be openness as to... what responsibility (role wise) will be undertaken by each partner. If a husband wants to stay at home and do the house management, cooking and taking care of should not be mocked upon. Similarly, if a wife wants to be a bread earner and wants to take up that task ... it should be respected.

It is a couple’s choice what task they choose to run their house and family.

     2) Education

We have let education just touch our intellectual self i.e. we have just become much more logical, intelligent, knowledgeable, competitive, practical, diplomatic, etc. resulting in Egoistic outlook which results in damaged relationship.

Once our Ego overpowers us...we stop listening to our Heart and turn a blind eye to the demand of our souls. Competition makes us so paranoid that we stop trusting people around us, because of our shallow ego’s we are not able to say “SORRY”.    

We crush our need of giving and receiving love; we can’t confront the other person if we have felt bad because “they should know” which creates misunderstanding, increasing the communication gap.

    3) Time

Well, there are so many new things to learn, explore and so much to do that I get tired... have no time for my husband/wife. It’s healthy to have the self - identity intact after marriage, having one’s own ambition and goals but, to not know what is happening in each other’s life, to not have same life goals or a common ground when it comes to household, children, finance, fun, pleasure, etc. will eventually lend us on different books all together.

If a couple is on the same book but different page it is much easier for the person ahead to slow down so that his/her partner can catch up. How will you rectify or reduce that gap when you both are on different books?
     4)    Foundation

If your first couple of years in marriage was full of love, care, laughter, passion, etc. it will take less time to heal the distance created during the years of marriage. You just need to give more time to your relationship, to your partner and rejuvenate all the good memories and start making new memories and it should work.

In couples, where there has been issues from the beginning and they haven’t had a full - fledged relationship...they need to work a lot harder. Visit a marriage counselor that you and your partner’s issues are resolved. Work on your ego’s, start doing things together, start forming common goals in marriage, start appreciating each other more often. First it will take efforts then things will start moving in positive direction.

 Rejuvenate the magic in your marriage life...everyone is not a charmer, or a charismatic personality but, anyone can change a situation from dull, boring and monotonous to fun, dynamic, growing.

Stability and Growth are 2 sides of the same coin. Both should be present if a relationship has to flourish and not just survive.  

We @FUDOL Therapies conduct an intensive Integrative Therapy for Marriage is our surety that you will go with rejuvenation and new power in your marriage after you undergo this intensive course. 

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

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