Sunday, July 7, 2013

Off Your Path - 2 (Respect! Love! Recognition!)

Every human being craves to be Respected in their relationships, Respected by people for what he is.

Every human being desires Recognition for the knowledge, intelligence, persona and the work he is doing.

Every human being wants to be Loved truly & dearly by someone special and Love unconditionally by his family member.

Lack of respect, love & recognition in one’s life can mean that he is not socially recognized, his family members & closed ones does not love him, and he is not respected for what he is.

Does that mean the appropriate way to earn respect, love and recognition is to become successful and earn lots of money? Well, this way definitely you would have people’s respect, love & recognition but, the minute money is taken away from your life....will it mean you would again be back to where you were in terms of respect, recognition and love. There are chances that while you have success and money it will always keep you in that fear and insecurity to always cling to that success & money – which might make you do all the immoral, unethical things which does not resonate with your Heart or Inner Self or God or your Soul.

If you choose the path which is truly is a difficult path as every second day your ego will be challenged because there will be times your own family members would not respect you as they don’t understand your path. There will be loneliness even though you would be surrounded by people who would love you but the love would be totally politicized and conditional. There might be times when you would get angry at the unjust world as your work is not recognized because it is too bold, because it challenges the old structures. The fruits of walking on your own path are a) you will be doing God’s work and b) Though there will be few people but, they would unconditionally  Respect you, Love you  & Recognize your work.

If you choose the path what everyone is following is also a very difficult path as you would never be @peace within yourself. There will be a constant push & pull from your mind & heart. But, there will be Respect, Love & Recognition till you follow the societal rules.

In this era, we are finding a lot of people who are choosing to walk on their own path...which is the Path of God/ Path of Highest Truth/Path of Soul. There would be times when you would get so depressed, you would feel so unworthy, bogged down that it would get difficult to walk on the Path of Your Soul. So, in those times when you need a support FUDOL Therapies will always be there for you to understand and stand like a rock. You just need to fix up an appointment:

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

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