Wednesday, February 22, 2012

World’s Changing!!!!

In the midst of 21st century, there are so many changes happening like the attitude of people changing towards cleanliness, education, gender, caste, creed, etc.; children are getting lot smarter, intelligent, mature, with no – nonsense attitude at an very early age; citizens of under -developed and developing nations raising their voices against evil; rising above petty issues like gossiping, talking ill about others, trying to control others - people are getting more focused on one’s own development; many NGOs are being developed to help eradicate pain and suffering; technological upheaval is changing the face of the earth every day; many social networking sites helping individuals to be themselves and help them live a transparent life, old structures are collapsing, etc.

World is changing at a rate no one had expected it to. There is big shift happening around the world, at a pace which no one had anticipated, there is an increasing need to be oneself, stand up for what one feels and believes strongly in, to rise against authority and stand together.
Many of you must have noticed that there are some people going out of your life, there are new people entering your life who have same life purpose as yours at a pace like never before. You must have also felt your intuition getting stronger day by day, your goals are clearer than ever, etc.

There are few pointers I want to share with you to help you cope with all the changes happening in this world, in this society and in your own self:

A) Write down all the qualities and talents that you have which makes you special in an orange card board paper. Read these things 10 times loudly then stick it besides your mirror or anywhere visible to you on a daily basis.
B) Appreciate other person’s uniqueness. We have been given different qualities, nature, skills, talents, smartness, and behavior so that we can assist each other for change and help heal ourselves and the earth of all the bitterness in and around us. Ironically, it is the most difficult task as we have grown with so many insecurities and fears.
C) It is essential that you focus on yourself (your physical health, grooming yourself, thinking positive thoughts, doing what you love doing) as much as you can, it will help you listen to your inner voice more clearly. Whenever you feel strongly about doing something, get on with it. Your intuition is never wrong. Initially, you would require lot of courage but then, it will become your second nature to act on your intuition. Just take the plunge.
D) If a person wants to go out of your life, let him/her go, don’t hold on to them. As it is said, “If you love someone, let them go and if they come back to you, they are truly yours.” Let go of all the past relationships who though are not currently present in your life but, they are still present in your mind.
If you need further assistance on this problems or any other problems email us to fix up an appointment. We also have an option of online session.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

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