Sunday, February 19, 2012


What is Love? What is Love? Love is Love..."When your system is filled with natural chemical called will always see positive things in yourself, others, and the situations you are in. You would want to extend the love you have to others." 
We like to make things complicated and that's why we have several types of love: romantic, parental, sibling, etc. But, for the Universe or God or Creator or Subconscious: Love is Love. The Purest and Highest form of energy.   
I believe… LOVE IS any category. And everybody has the ability to love others unconditionally. The only hitch and condition in loving the other person as he/she is: You have to Love Yourself Unconditionally.
If you can't love yourself unconditionally, you can never in 'n' number of lifetimes start loving anyone else unconditionally.

We are soooooooooo afraid to look within ourselves ... if one is so afraid and fearful of one's 'devilish and bad qualities' and can't accept it as it can a person accept other's bad quality.

In an advent of hiding one's devil side we forget that our subconscious mind is like a spring the more you suppress it, the more forcefully it shows in different ways. If one can accept its devil side... n says, "it’s okay if I have a certain thought which are considered 'bad' by the society...I accept it and I m willing to look at why this thoughts arise, which of my needs are not fulfilled, where I am lying to myself, where I am not listening to my intuition and my Divine self. It’s a process in itself and it can take away at least one lifetime...but, definitely worth it.

I strongly believe: If I don't love myself unconditionally...I can never love others unconditionally. And the only way, I know of loving myself is to be downright honest with myself.

If I tell someone that I love him/her....I love everything about him/her....whether it’s their ‘bad’ side and their 'good' side.
We will initially love conditionally because that’s the first step of our soul’s journey.
But, it would help if you are aware of the conditions and expectations you put on LOVE you have for yourself and others. It would help if you realize that your relationship with everything you are surrounded with is a Mirror of your thoughts, words, feelings and actions. This knowledge will make it easy for you to see which area of yourself…you don't love yourself’s the first step towards Loving Yourself Unconditionally.

If you find it difficult to look into the mirror and tell yourself, "I Love You"; If you find it difficult to say, "It's okay to have imperfections," then you are invited to FUDOL Therapies (Fillingupthedash-esoflife) where it is believed that loving unconditionally is the first step to enlightenment.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

1 comment:

  1. Darsha, i find this to be the most brilliant and the most powerful of your posts. Keep it up, and God bless you!
