Sunday, February 19, 2012


To change any situation in life, one needs to say ‘I am going to stand for the things which I feel are right’, and the ingredients required by a nation, a society, an individual to stand by this statement is lot of courage, strength, willpower, and ability to love and respect yourself and others.

Here, I want to discuss about one issue which takes away all the love we were born with and instills fear of lifetimes i.e. Abuse.
 Abuse can be of various levels like physical (addiction, anorexia, etc.), psychological (dejection, doubting oneself, etc.), Emotional (verbal lashing, emotional blackmails, etc.) and spiritual (not listening to one’s inner self). This abuse can be inflicted by self, by others, by karma's, by circumstances, etc.

Here, I can go on – on about abuse but, all the information on abuse you can get on the internet, the levels and forms. The purpose of this article is to find out why we allow ourselves to be abused and how can one snap out of this vicious circle of abuse.

Imagine, that you love a person unconditionally. Would you ever try to harm that person in any way? Will that matter to you if he/she has a bad academic record, has one tooth missing, or has dark skin colour, or is not famous and successful, if he/she makes a mistake would you never forgive him/her? 
The normal answer would be ‘NO’ because, this is what unconditional love means, you love someone wholeheartedly with all their positive and negative qualities. It is next to impossible that we would love anyone unconditionally because for that ONE HAS TO LOVE ONESELF UNCONDITIONALLY.

Life is full of challenges but the biggest challenge of all is Loving Thyself. The more you accept your short comings, the more you face your devil side, the more you shred your inhibitions, ego, need to control others – the more you would respect your desires, your dreams, your freedom, importance of taking responsibility for your actions, making your own decisions, etc.
Once you start knowing yourself better, you would automatically empathize with others, you will not have to make an extra effort to understand and support other person’s desires, dreams, freedom of choices, etc. And once that happens…it will be very difficult to abuse others and yourself. 

Lack of self love brings a lot of self – doubt, comparison, regret, manipulation, unable to receive love and kindness. All these qualities make us a perfect victim for abuse whether it is inflicted by others or our own self.

These are few tips if done on a regular basis can help you start the process of loving yourself and remove any kind of abuse from your life:

1)      Every once in a while, pamper yourself. Go to a parlor, look good, do things which you love doing, get in touch with your feminine self, add pink into your clothes, watch romantic movies, buy roses, etc.

2)      Take some time out. Sit with a paper and pen. Write down (preferably hand – written than typed) all the ‘bad’ things/feelings which no one knows about you, which is hidden deep inside. There are high chances the more you probe yourself, the more you would also know what is inside yourself. Give your inner self 30 minutes…list all the things that you and our society finds ‘devilish’ in you. Begin the process of knowing yourself better.

The Process: Unconditional Love:

Knowing Yourself – Accepting Yourself – Loving Yourself Unconditionally
After this process there would be no need for any kind of abuse, there would be no need to harm others and oneself. We would have filled ourselves and others with PINK energies i.e. energies of LOVE. We would know that, to harm others in any way is to harm ourselves and to harm ourselves is to harm the Creator/Universe.        

3)      If you want help in completing the process and to fill yourself with love. Call up and fix an appointment @FUDOL Therapies (fillingupthedash-esoflife)...we will be your platform where you can express your deepest, darkest secret like no one is listening. We will let you fall and provide you with a ladder so that you can rise again.  

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

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