Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Live Your Dreams!

You have dreams – your dreams are broken – you stop dreaming – grieve about it and swear you will never dream again – good days come – happiness benignly create new dreams – new dreams, new hope, new enthusiasm – again your dreams are broken – Ooch. Well, it seems like a vicious circle.

There are contemporary beliefs like, “Dreams don’t come true”; “It was just a dream”; “It was just not mend to happen”; “I don’t have that kind of money, courage, etc.”

How many of us conform to these statements? I used to…until I learned the hard way.

Before going any further, I would like to give you my definition of dreams. Dream according to me, “is that wish/desire/ambition our conscious and subconscious mind covets amid the day and night of the person’s living life.” For me, day – dreaming one’s desires and wishes are all part of one’s dream.
I believe everyone is born with a belief that achieving one’s dreams are possible. That’s why a child is always very innocent because they have immense faith in themselves, their higher selves (God), and their vitality to reach the moon. Eventually, we let the system of society get us and allow them to crush our dreams, our innocence, our valor and instill instead vindictive and paranoid thoughts and behavior.
Again, we are not here to blame anyone, as we are all victim of victims. Instead, we are here to break that vicious circle and get back to our faith in Ourselves, our God and our Dreams.

“Fillingupthedash-esoflife” have discovered few simple but powerful techniques to:
1)      Overcome the grief of broken dreams.
2)      Helping you realize your highest dream.
3)      Support you while you break away your paranoid and vindictive thoughts and behavior.
4)      Be there while you discover your dream work.
5)      Regular feedback while you on the path of your dreams. FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies will be there for you while... you break your circle of hatred and disbelief and re – enter into Love! Light! Laughter! J.
This program is based on customized need and will only be conducted on a one – one basis. So, the duration will also be decided accordingly. This program can be conducted online as well.

So, if you desire for all your highest, deepest dream to come true and you need a support system to help you, to listen to your needs, and a friend to walk with you in the whole journey of re – discovering your dreams…go ahead and get in touch with us.
DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

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