Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Marriage III

1950's 1960's  - Our grandparent's time they were very clear that a husband will go and earn money and take care of all the expenses and wife would take care of the house, cook food , entertain guest, give birth to children and raise them.
Belief: A wife is the shadow of her husband. Husband is Wife's God (pati parmeshwar). Both of them fulfilled their roles with conviction and full sincerity.

1970's, 1980's 1990's - Our parent's though had the same concepts fit by their parents in their mind...but, since it was not their belief they had no conviction. They lacked courage to voice their opinions, views about system of marriage.

Belief: This is how it has been since has to be right. May be pati is parmeshwar...but, some how he doesn't act like one. Wife is doing all the household chores and raising children but, somewhere it is not happening like it should happen.

2000's 2010's - With the onsite of globalization and internet getting a prominent place in our life. Whole world was at an individual's disposal. Parents were making their daughters as educated as their sons (which was a constructive thing) but, parents didn't make their son understand that times have changed and your wife will be different and will act different than what your grand mother and mother was. On the other hand, young females were going through tremendous change in their mind -set, their thought process were broadening, their self confidence was increasing as they were realizing that world is much beyond cooking, household work and birthing children.
Beliefs: Wife feels we want a status of equal partner in the marriage whether we are working outside or are home maker. Husband feels why can't she do things like what my mother and grandmother used to do and give me some peace of mind. None of them are able to fulfill any roles properly and sincerely. And thus, increasing confusion, complications and emotional disturbances.
Lets see what are the complication:
- Wife wants to explore the whole world and husband wants to possess her,
-Husband wants to dominate her and wife has her own thought - process and her own ideas of life concepts,
- Husbands wants all the appreciation and his Ego is only intact if the wife listens and does what he tells her to do, wife thinks "I will not compromise like my mom did" and she always gets stubborn on what she wants in life,
- Wife want her husband to fulfilling all her needs but, she does not on the other hand take any responsibility of the house so that the husband can peacefully go and earn money for her.
- Even if the wife is handling the house...there is constant struggle between her and her mother - in law or the rest of his family.
- Husband's and Wife's families continuously keep interfering in couples life making their life's all the more complicated and tiresome.  
- Wife continuously keep feeling "If I do house work I won't be respected" and she keeps making half effort in that and in that fear she neither takes care of her house properly, nor children are given justice.
With the changing world, the institution of marriage right now is going through tremendous pressure.
 We @FUDOL Therapies say, we need to re- evaluate the purpose of marriage:
More than pro - creation, let a marriage be a union where both of them support each other in all areas of life. Why can't a wife do her career along with household and raising children? Why can't a husband help his wife handle the household and in raising children? Yes, it has started in few urban household and with couples who live independently. It should be out of respect for each other's individuality not because it is been enforced on the other partner. 
Every person comes with a preconceived notions, baggage, expectations in marriage and most of them are not able to now handle the pressures of marriage, raising kids because they aren't working as a team - as a union. They just want to control, dominate and overpower each other - further pushing the next generation away from Marriage as your children are definitely seeing this things.
After a lot of careful thought...FUDOL Therapies has come out with a well balanced Pre - Marital Counseling Sessions which will have:
- Removing of past baggage,  - Checking any un - realistic expectations, - Knowing oneself better to decide on one's partner with clarity, - Removing all the fears and negativity involving marriage, - Family counseling, - Soul Mate Therapy Workshops, - Family Orbit Meditation, - How to deal with an issue post - marriage in a positive and constructive way rather than out of shallow ego and in a destructive way.
Let's Be Ourselves in front of our partners when we enter Marriage.
Let's make Marriage an Institution where we support each other for each other's Emotional - Spiritual Growth.
Let's work on ourselves and our marriage before we marry rather than getting into the hassle of divorce.
For Further Details:

 DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.,   +(91) 9869660362   

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Dictionary definition of Catharsis is, "the process of releasing and thereby, providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions". 

The process of releasing long kept, strong emotions which are deeply repressed inside one self regarding past/current challenge and a sudden relief from it is called the Process of Catharsis.

It is important for everyone who is going through any kind of challenges to talk about their challenges. It would also help to get a professional view on it so that you are not only seeing where you are going wrong but, it also supports you to fulfill life's purpose of giving you that challenge so that your soul can go to another that over - all growth can happen out of these challenges.

In this blog, I am sharing my story as I know sharing it will act as a catharsis for me. And it is a step to encourage the readers to reach their catharsis by sharing their own stories.  
My challenging phase started in 2009, when I preferred standing up for what I am and thus,  refusing to bow down or obey any undesirable wishes and control of others. Eventually, I was surrounded by web of manipulation, lies, and criticism against me, I was ridiculed and put down on every instance and every relationship I had build with so much love and affection was being systematically destroyed. My silence was taken as my weakness and not a form of respect for that elder. In spite, of doing everything like it should have been was always portrait in a negative fashion.

Like we say, when bad times come, it surrounds you from all the, definitely my problems didn't end there...infact, I was thrown into a much major problem which impacted my life in a tremendous way. On hindsight, it changed the course of my life in a big way.
I being a "Warrior Soul" giving up was never an option... the thought of running away from it didn't even cross my mind. There were so many hints from Universe to just "let go" of the issue but, my 'never say die' spirit didn't let me look the other way or towards other areas of my life. Emotional Pain began to creep inside me since, the challenge persisted more than expected. And, as the time passed my energy started depleting to handle the challenge and my emotional pain started increasing.... the web of manipulation, and lies got more stronger against me and people around me started taking pleasure in my disadvantage situation. The false relationships started distancing from me .The people responsible other than me, shred taking any responsibility of the situation. And, for a while, I thought I was alone in this battle...Was I?

No, I was not alone...Universe kept sending its angels to support me, help never kept me alone or stranded. I told my family about the challenge and they acted like healers and my best friends, it send me a beautiful soul being in form of my colour therapist who guided me in my soul - career and help me alleviate myself to a different angle, universe send me missions wherein, I could know my worth and know the stronger part of me. But, still the challenge persisted and the emotional healing was yet miles apart.
Then, a very powerful and strong Earth Angel came into my life....that angel made me realize that...I need to let go of the challenge and de - focus myself completely from the challenge and focus myself on the positive things happening in my life. It was difficult at first to let go of the struggle/battle...but, finally I did let it go and divert my attention to all the positive things happening in my life and it worked wonders to my personality and the more I focused on the positive things happening in my life, the more it increased and the importance of my stuck challenge reduced in my life.

I did make my set of mistakes in an attempt to solve my challenge - I got angry, I blamed, I shouted, I wasted a lot of time, I sulked, I cribbed, I got frustrated, irritated, etc. I also did a lot of positive things - No matter what I didn't shred my responsibility towards myself or anyone else or towards the situation. I always respected the other person's sanctity and I never lost my humanity or compassion for any being.
Well, the challenge is still persisting with a degree of reduction in the challenge. I still have tears in my eyes only by the thought that life would have much different if this issue would have been resolved. But, I am also grateful that if I would not have encountered this challenge in my life... I would not have seen the power of Universe.

Now, I am ready for a different course of life, it's like Universe has given me a second birth, another opportunity to live life right from the scratch ... I am much happier, wiser,  sensible to protect myself from negative energies, and with a firm belief and faith in Universe/God and Myself.          
I would like to share few things I learned throughout this years of facing this one major challenge of my life:

1) Whether people are there with you or not. Whether your sacrifices are valued or not valued. You are able to get justice in your life for the wrong that has happened to you or not. Many times, you feel your "Self's" (self - confident, self - esteem, self - respects) is hurt badly, beyond repair. Remember, you will always be loved and cared and supported. 

Nobody takes care of you better then the God you pray, Your Creator, and the Universal Energy. In some form or the other, Universe, will always give you justice, will make you feel valued and will give you instances to increase your confidence. You need to just recognize it.
2) The more stubborn and unusual the challenge - it is an indication from Universe that you are meant to do something different in life than the usual. Accept it with grace.

3) Addressing  your challenges are important but, don't fully focus on it, that you lose the sight of positive things happening in your life. 
4) A challenge/problem/issue is given by life so that you can look into your rigid belief patterns and negative thoughts, words, actions, habits. Reduce negativity inside you or be done with it and alleviate your soul on to the next level.

5) There are high chances that if a challenge is persistent in your life ...that you have a lot of fears you need to confront. Do identify those fears and tackle with them as and how you are ready.

FUDOL Therapies invites you to share your story either by writing us an email, chatting, face to face meeting or by any other means comfortable for you so, that you can reach a level of catharsis. And your growth can speed up.
DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online., +(91) 9869660362   

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Resilient Power & Relationship

When you are sailing with a companion and the water starts giving you trouble ..and you want to sail through and fight the battle with water with full force and you are ready to fight God, Your Fate and Nature for the boat you build it together but the other person is just isn't interested in together fighting the troubled waters. No matter how much you try to pull him/her to the boat, you tell him/her that we will pass this rocky troubled waters... it's just that we both need to do the right thing and keep the boat going together but, in spite of all those confident words and rather than trusting the strength of the bond you share together, the other person's fear over powers him/her and he/she wants to jump into the water and swim to the shore not thinking about you, not thinking about the strength of togetherness but, just how to safely reach the shore by himself/herself and not wanting the burden of you.

Is our marriage/relationship reached that level where in first we always think about ourselves?
How it is going to benefit us to stay in that relationship and we are out to jump out of that relationship at first sign of trouble?

Is our resilient power towards hanging on to our close ones or for that matter hanging on to our partner  when they are going through the troubled waters become less?

Is thinking about yourself first and you shredding off your shoulders of anything causing you any inconvenience including your partner's tough times and what comes along with it...mood swings, irritation, frustration, etc. etc. become OK?

Do you feel sharing your partner or close ones sorrow or sadness as burdening you, lessening your growth and career prospects?

Are we only interested in being safe and calculating and see what we are getting in that relationship?

Have we forgotten to acknowledge what the other person has done for us?

Have we got too scared to sacrifice and compromise for our partner?

Are we just responsible for our feelings and our partner's feelings don't matter?

Why has other aspect of marriage/relationship like cooking, house management, raising kids and bringing up children losing its importance?

Why for monetary gains couples agree to stay away from each other at the prime of their marriage life?

Is our Ego larger than our Hearts now?

Is marriage just a facade in front of the society now?

Why more and more people are opting out of this institution of marriage?

Why not getting married or advising not to get married seemed to be the right thing to do?

 We @FUDOL don't know answers to many of the above questions but, we know the roots of our relationships/marriage have shaken badly and we have lost the resilient power to give in a relationship, to hang on when our partner is going through a tough time, to take responsibility of each other in a relationship has somewhere gone out of fashion. It is a powerful wave which is showing no subtlety and will sweep with itself the future generations to come if we don't stop running and just start enjoy our relationships and having the patience to give our partners all the love, care, affection, security and concreteness in the relationship.   

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online., +(91) 9869660362   


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Soul Mate - II

If you are a first time reader or have missed the first part do read our first part on Soul Mate on:
Many people have asked me that:

1) Though, there is a lot of passion, love and care between me and my soul - mate but somehow it is not working between us...there are a lot of fights.
2) Though, we are completely at home with each other but, there is a lot of possessiveness which is creating a lot of insecurity in the relationship.

3) Though, we connect beautifully with each other on all the levels but, we restrict each other a lot in a relationship which is somewhere affecting our growth.
We see various relationships on television, movies, and even in Real Life... that most of the times a relationship full of passion, intensity and love does not tend to last  and fail to culminate into a long term relationship and one tends to settle down for a relationship where there is usually less passion and love and is more "practical".

There are 2 reasons why these relationships don't last long: EGO and FEAR.
When we are blessed with a relationship wherein both of them feel our partner is our soul mate. These relationship has a lot of passion and intensity. It is a dream relationship/friendship.

But, we are right from the beginning conditioned to fear and doubt any good thing happening to us...triggering all the possessiveness, insecurities, doubts, etc. And rather than fulfilling each other's role in the relationship and in each other's life and supporting each other's life mission - we start getting afraid and stop living in the present and fear about the future.
This fear instigates one to want to control the outcome of the relationship and thus domination, restriction, fights, revenge, giving back, blame games etc. start to happen.

Here, a person's Ego play an important role. If both the partners have shallow ego's the relationship will not last long but, even if one person in that relationship has strong ego than the relationship has chances of sailing through.
Definition of Shallow & Strong Ego:

A marriage or any long lasting relationship with your Soul Mate is one of the most beautiful, ideal, and fun - filled relationship. If you have issues handling your relationship with your soul - mates you can always contact FUDOL Therapies for assistance.      

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online., +(91) 9869660362     

Friday, August 7, 2015

Marriage - II

Are marriage really made in heaven? Then, how is it that God is going wrong so much and divorces are increasing day by day?
First of all, I want to salute all the couples who have spent 15 - 30 years of their life together. After I got married, I realized the amount of sacrifices and compromises it requires for a sustenance of a marriage. It isn't an easy task. It requires both the partners to be on the same page - which itself is so difficult task. There is no instant expression of gratitude...somewhere a thankless job at least when you are compromising and sacrificing at that very moment or for few years your partner may not be able to recognize what you have done for him/her. Handling your partner's relatives and parents and their taunts, and demands ...most of the times couples fight because of each other's family (very visible in Indian Marriages). One's Self - Respect takes a big blow every second day in the marriage.

I always used to believe when I was in college that, if our Indian society opens up to the idea of Divorce...almost 80% of the couple would opt for it. Though, after being a part of this institute I realized that Divorce in an Indian Society isn't an easy thing...financially and legally one is drained, not only one has to face family pressure which drains you emotionally and mentally but also, it is not acceptable to our Psyche... where from so many generations it has fit in our DNA the "Importance of Being Married." This creates guilt, shame, your self - worth hits rock bottom. In India, it is more peaceful to live in a dead relationship than go through the process of Divorce.

Though, by heart I am a believer of relationships. We @ FUDOL feel relationships are best learning tool for our soul. The more one learns from the give - take dynamics of a relationship...the more one is able to appreciate our partners. Now, we will say that is our partner's duty to do certain things for us...Aren't we taking our partners for granted? Isn't from this that every mess starts? Why can't we on a regularly basis start acknowledging what our partner is doing for us?
  If we want to save this very mighty Institute of Marriage from falling...we need to come out of all our old concepts like:

a) A female has to always bow down to Male Ego...WHY? Don't females have Ego? Aren't they humans? Today's females have seen from centuries their mother and grandmother's self respect getting crushed. They have seen that females who do household work and bring up children aren't valued and respected in our society. That's why right now, so many females have lost their feminine side and are busy matching up to this "MALE EGO". Creating all the more confusion and upheaval in this institution.    

b) Why always an in - law should be bowed down to? Why can't a daughter - in law stand up for herself and back answer or just express herself if she feels that they are not being treated properly. Why can't there be a relationship of an adult i.e. relationship of mutual respect. We @ FUDOL believe that after the age of 18 years ... everyone should be treated as an ADULT and should be spoken to like an adult and it should start with the parents first. The day parents treat their children like an adult and give them respect like an adult ...accepting their desires, aspirations, listening to their views, etc. rather than bossing around and trying to control others on the pretext of being more elder and being more matured. That is the time, the parents will understand that the same way they need to treat their daughter - in - laws.
You have more ideas on how to save relationships and marriages ...let us know on our email id.

 DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online., +(91) 9869660362   

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Family Politics

One learns a lot of things from being in a family full of parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents. Definitely there are as many negatives as positives.

There are positives in living in a Joint Family ... but that only gets highlighted if you have introspected... like Sacrificing and Tolerant Nature, Children get exposure to love and care of many adults, Developing Sustenance in Difficult Times of the Family rather than start Blaming each other, How to maintain your Self - Respect when others are condemning you without any solid reason, Being Assertive... It would be your School which trains you for future life.
Among few negatives there is one negative which I want to talk: Family Politics.

Family Politics is something I could never ever understand and never see any benefit of it in a family structure. I have seen politics happening in almost all the families - no family whether big or small, joint or nuclear, upper class - middle class - lower class is devoid of politics.
@FUDOL we define Family Politics as a mindset based on Insecurity which will not let one appreciate and accept other people... which leads to a selfish nature or a cold heart... only thinking about what's good for oneself and not leading to good for the whole family thus, in turn not thinking what's good for the whole nation.

For Example:  
a) Rather than standing by a "weak" family member in their difficult times one would see to it how he/she would break that person more,

b) Rather than creating a trusting environment for your daughter - in - law, you keep criticizing her, condemning her for no solid reasons and keep on telling your son how bad is she.

c) Rather than instilling the right values of Support/Patience/Tolerance between siblings - the parents instill the values of competition, so that they can control both their children.

Many times one can see educated people and families indulging in such politics... making one to conclude that education makes no difference to the mind set ... our education is not changing our outlook or narrow mindedness of our minds but, yes an example set by our parents definitely does.

Family members by the time they turn 20 years of age have developed the skill set to become a seasoned politician - to that extend politics is deep seated in our families.

If adult's need to control and possess the other family members diminishes...we will have much less mess in our families. If Family Structure has to work - distribution and organization of wealth, responsibilities, duties, roles are needed so that every member is empowered with his own likes and dislikes taken into consideration and the importance of inter - dependence is also proven.

Family is meant to protect each other, support each other, and grow together... Why are we losing this core family value? Let's get this core family value in place so that each family member - in turn each family - in turn each nation is supportive of each other, protective of each other, grows together.

Encourage Supportiveness in the family than Competitiveness, Encourage Problem - Solving/Solution Based talk rather than Gossips and Bitching about Each Other, Education on being Human, Workshops for spouses before they plan a Child are few ways families can use to change a mindset from Family Politics to Family Togetherness.      

 DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counseling
+(91) 9869660362,    

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Have you always misunderstood a person who is telling you the truth about yourself or showing you the mirror but have got attracted towards people or have preferred staying with people who always agree with you ... whether you are on the right track or the wrong track?

Have you been so blind that to hide your mistakes/weaknesses you prefer staying away and condemning that person/situation which might bring you face to face with your weakness?
Have you been so blind in saving yourself from humiliation that you make the other people's life a misery?  

Have you been so used to your comfort zone that you are rejecting all the opportunities of growth?
Have you been so engraved in how life is unfair to you that you forget to see all the things life has given to you?

Have you been surrounded by fear to such an extent that you become rigid about any change happening in the surrounding and just prefer to stay in the old way of living or old patterns of life?
We @FUDOL Therapies believe that, "A Person's EGO can either break him or make him."

We define EGO in 2 ways: A Shallow EGO and A Strong EGO

A Shallow EGO is where a person does not want to see his weakness but, to satisfy his ego he indulges in bullying others, putting other person down to show himself superior, to keep blaming other people/situation/circumstances, he would keep taking credit of any small thing he has done for others, he is comfortable with only those people who are praising him, they fluctuate in their loyalties depending upon who supports him, can change his perspective according to what benefits him, they want control without taking any responsibility, etc.
A Shallow EGO develops in the childhood...when parents keep encouraging their child no matter how incorrectly they behave, when parents always want children to be under their control resulting in making them their handicap where they can't think for themselves and can't self - analyze, never point out their child's mistakes or show their weaknesses as they live in notion that their child can never make any mistakes, where the parents don't nudge a child towards progress or independent thinking and the child is always discouraged to ask questions but always told to obey....few examples why a person with this kind of up - bringing will develop a Shallow EGO.

A Strong EGO is where a person realizes his own weakness and in turn works towards his weaknesses and in turn support others in solving their issues, he takes full responsibilities for his behaviour and takes charge of his life, a person would not keep counting on small things he has done for others because he does not help others for praise but because of the compassion he has in his heart, he takes it positively when someone shows him a mirror, and he has developed that kind of sensibility to recognize people who just praise him or take his side because of their ulterior motives, he has his own stand - which even if no one is supporting it...he will still persuade on it, his first priority will be himself, his family and then he will go and help others, etc.
A Strong EGO develops in childhood where a child is discouraged when he behaves in an inappropriate manner till he learns the other way, his mistakes are being pointed out, his weaknesses are being discussed and together a solution is being found out, in a fight between their child and another child if their child is wrong...the parent wouldn't hesitate to express the same to the child in front of everyone, a parents develop a child's independent thinking and empowers a child in every ways so that he develops quality of inter - dependence, there is no unreasonable demand to obey and opinion of child is always taken into consideration, making him grow within himself by giving responsibility and making the child accountable for those responsibility... few examples why a person with this kind of up - bringing will develop a Strong EGO.

Once these EGO's are developed in childhood it is very difficult to break free from them but again with working hard nothing is impossible as well. If you feel you possessed a Shallow EGO and you feel the need to come out from Shallow Conditioning and Re - Condition yourself to have Strong EGO...we @FUDOL Therapies will always be ready to make this difficult change a reality.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362,    

Friday, April 17, 2015

Real Education

You can be literate but not necessarily educated...

You could be educated but not necessarily literate...
By developing different kinds of skills, by polishing your talents, by honing your intellect you can get literate and learn how to earn money ... but that isn't necessarily called Education.

We can be called Educated  when we learn the art of introspection, when we go on the ground and work, when we form relationships, when we bear the pain of break ups; when we dare to dream and we fail and again dare to dream, when our hearts have enough compassion for other living beings, when we encounter real practical difficulties and come out of it, when we accept ours and others limitations, and  when we make our every experience as an opportunity to be wise.
Yes, Literacy Institution are important but along with that one needs to be taught how to find its way out in practical life by giving lot of emphasis on soft yet very powerful skills like making the children do day - to - day activities, make them value relationships, empowering them to handle relationships efficiently, by teaching them how to minimize their stress level, how to not get carried away in the rat race, teach them that every individual is unique and different, teach them to respect themselves and others equally, build their strong SELF's, teach them how to handle bullies, teach them that it's OK to fail and teach them how to grow from failures.

Yes, Literacy Institution indirectly does teach the above soft skills but not consciously and not everyone learns. Why not make these literacy institution in real sense Educational Institution where these soft skills are given its due importance.

Our children spent nearly 20 years of their life getting literate ...first finishing their pre - school, nursery, schooling of 10 years, college 2 years, graduation 3 years, post graduation 2 years.
How many students when they come out can be called educated and have gained some wisdom?
How many students are confident to handle relationships, failures of life, have high self - image to dream and fulfill those dreams?
How many students know how to extract wisdom out of every experience?

Some children might require special attention in some things or in a particular area say for example: Self - Confidence. Isn't it every child's right to get its due attention? Everyone knows there is shortage of teachers, good staff, etc. etc. Can't we think out of the box. There has to be answer to all these obstacles.

There are schools that have started focusing on soft skills. Schools have started giving importance to every student. Teachers are giving due attention to each child... but How many such schools exist? and How many parent can afford such school's fees?
It's high time Education Institution become...

A Center to Build Strong Self - Image of a Child,
A Platform where molding of a Child's Mind - Heart - Soul Happens,
Where Emotional - Psychological - Physical - Mental - Spiritual Enhancement Happens.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362,