Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Soul Mate - II

If you are a first time reader or have missed the first part do read our first part on Soul Mate on:
Many people have asked me that:

1) Though, there is a lot of passion, love and care between me and my soul - mate but somehow it is not working between us...there are a lot of fights.
2) Though, we are completely at home with each other but, there is a lot of possessiveness which is creating a lot of insecurity in the relationship.

3) Though, we connect beautifully with each other on all the levels but, we restrict each other a lot in a relationship which is somewhere affecting our growth.
We see various relationships on television, movies, and even in Real Life... that most of the times a relationship full of passion, intensity and love does not tend to last  and fail to culminate into a long term relationship and one tends to settle down for a relationship where there is usually less passion and love and is more "practical".

There are 2 reasons why these relationships don't last long: EGO and FEAR.
When we are blessed with a relationship wherein both of them feel our partner is our soul mate. These relationship has a lot of passion and intensity. It is a dream relationship/friendship.

But, we are right from the beginning conditioned to fear and doubt any good thing happening to us...triggering all the possessiveness, insecurities, doubts, etc. And rather than fulfilling each other's role in the relationship and in each other's life and supporting each other's life mission - we start getting afraid and stop living in the present and fear about the future.
This fear instigates one to want to control the outcome of the relationship and thus domination, restriction, fights, revenge, giving back, blame games etc. start to happen.

Here, a person's Ego play an important role. If both the partners have shallow ego's the relationship will not last long but, even if one person in that relationship has strong ego than the relationship has chances of sailing through.
Definition of Shallow & Strong Ego:

A marriage or any long lasting relationship with your Soul Mate is one of the most beautiful, ideal, and fun - filled relationship. If you have issues handling your relationship with your soul - mates you can always contact FUDOL Therapies for assistance.      

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online. 
www.fudoltherapies.com, +(91) 9869660362

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