Sunday, March 4, 2012


I Ask God to Let Me Be Free of Anger,
I Ask God to Let Me Be Free of Criticism,
I Ask God To Let Me Respect Other ‘s Individuality,
I Ask God to Let Me Love Each and Every Soul,

One Day It Dawned Me that Acceptance is The Key Word,
By Developing A High Self – Esteem…
Not Only Would I Start Respecting Myself, but also Others.

Accepting that God has Made Everyone Perfect,
Accepting that …What I Consider Other’s Weakness…
      Is Where that Particular Soul Wants to Be, In that Particular Moment,
Accepting that By Criticizing Others, I would Only Condemn Myself….
      As Others are Part of Me, and We In-turn, are Part of Divine.
Accepting Others Individuality, Is Accepting God’s Gift as It Is…
      Without the Need to Change Anyone.
Accepting that Everyone has Their Own Destiny…
       And not Interfering In that Soul’s Purpose In this Life.

 I Ask Forgivness from the One’s I have Hurt,
         The One’s I have not Valued, The One’s I have Taken for Granted,
         The One’s whose Destiny I have Interfered with, The One’s who I have not Treated With Respect.

 I Forgive The One’s Who Have Hurt Me,
         The One’s who have not Respected Me, The One’s who have not Valued Me,
         The One’s who have Interfered with My Destiny, The One’s who have Taken Me for Granted.

I Forgive Myself for Doubting Myself,
For not Accepting Myself, For not Loving Myself,
For not Respecting God’s Gift, For not Reaching My Highest Potential,
And for not Listening To My Soul’s Voice.

Forgiving Yourself And Others, Is Loving Thyself and God,
Forgiving takes Humankind to Different Realms.
DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;