Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thanking Mother Earth

You taught us how to walk on your ground,
You let us grow our food on your ground,
You let us make our house on your ground,
You let us build factories on our ground,
You let us advance ourselves with the minerals,
                       Iron & Steel from your ground,
You let us have peace & serenity by providing
                       scenic view for us.

Like an Ideal Mother…

You gave your children all love, care and nurture you had,
You patiently tired to explain us in your own ways to stop exploiting you,
You even tired punishing us with earthquakes, volcanoes, famine, etc.

On the other hand,
                    We your children,
Dishonored you because of our unreasonable attitude,
Disrespecting you because of our greedy nature,
Never thanking you because we were busy worrying
                                         about our advancement,
Fighting with our fellow siblings for the possession of
                                           our dear Mother Earth.

But, in myriad ways, Mother you have made us aware that you can take care of yourself.

Finally, your children are realizing their mistakes,
Finally, your children are coming together for protecting our dearest mother,
Finally, we have learned to behave and respect all the things, Mother has provided us with, 

Finally, we promise and assure you that we will honor you, even if it means to sacrifice some of our comforts.

Your Sons & Daughters are apologizing you and truly THANK YOU for giving us all love, nurture & care.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions

+(91) 9869660362; contact@fudoltherapies.com

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