Thursday, July 21, 2011

Loving Thyself

I Ask God To Heal Me,
I Ask God To Give Me Wisdom,
I Ask God To Protect Me,
I Ask God To Give Me Prosperity,
I Ask God To Give Me Strength.

One Day My Ego Began To Dissolve,
There Was A Deep Transformation Happening,
My Inner Voice Was Telling Me…

I Can Heal Myself…

By Releasing My Need To Self – Criticize,
By Releasing My Need To Feel Unworthy,
By Releasing My Need To Doubt Myself,
By Releasing My Need To Compare Myself With Others,
By Releasing My Need To Demean Myself,

Loving Thyself Is Loving God,
Feeling Worthy Is Respecting What God Has Given You,
Believing That Everyone Has Resources To Become Prosperous,
Having The Courage To Dissolve Your Negative Emotions…

Can Release your Inner Power…
And By Releasing Inner Power…
You Will Be Able To Become Master Of Your Own Destiny.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions

+(91) 9869660362;

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