Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Navkar Mantra


Meaning of MAHA NAVKAR MANTRA with the meaning of COLOURS attached to it:


“I go to the feet of, I bow down to, the arihantas…”

Arihanta is the name in Jainism, for one who has achieved the ultimate,

“I touch the feet of the one who has attained himself.”

The word Arihanta is made up of two words: 1) Ari, means enemies, and 2) Hanta, meaning destroyer. Therefore, Arihanta means a destroyer of the enemies. These enemies are not people, animal, or any other living being. These enemies are our internal enemies like anger, ego, deception, and greed. Until we don’t let these enemies control ourselves, our soul will not be manifested. When a person (soul) wins over these inner enemies then he/she is called Arihanta.

NAMO ARIHANTANAM has the aura of Indigo color.
The indigo color is great for clear sightedness, and fearlessness. This center governs intuition, psychic abilities and sense of unity. Indigo Colour helps awakening of the Third Eye…which is a powerful energy to attain enlightenment. Indigo Colour is related to the Brow Chakra which is also called the Psychic Chakra located on the middle of the forehead and above the brows.


“I touch the feet of the one who has become his being…”

Siddhas are the liberated souls. They are no longer among us because they have completely ended the cycle of birth and death. They have reached the ultimate highest state, salvation. They do not have any old karmas left, nor they collect any new karmas. This state of true freedom is called Moksha. Siddhas experience unobstructed bliss (eternal happiness). They have complete knowledge and perception and infinite power. They are formless and have no desires and therefore are free from all temptations.


The Arihanta will help humanity whenever they are drowning. Siddhas are formless and have attained Enlightenment. Siddha is a pure consciousness or a soul without any karma attached to it. Both Arihant and Siddha are known as Gods in Jainism. After attaining salvation these Arihants are called Siddhas

NAMO SIDDHANAM has the aura of White colour. White is the astral colour of Pure Spirit and Cosmic Consciousness. Usually, Aura healers use White light from the universe to heal diseases and clean chakras. White represents pure knowledge. Pure Knowledge is what an Arihant has attained.



ACHARYA is a head of the Jain congregation. In addition, to acquiring a high level of spiritual excellence, they have the ability to lead the monks and nuns. They know various language with a sound knowledge of other philosophies and religions of the area and the world.

NAMO AYARIYANAM has the aura of Green and Blue. Green is the colour of balanced strength, love, and of peace in the mind and body. It controls the energy center of heart. Blue is the colour of truth, communication, trust. It gives power of speech. It is relaxing, soothing, and healing. It is the colour of religious aspiration and devotion.


"I touch the feet of Upadhayays"

UPADHYAY is a teacher which shows how to awaken powers and maintain balance of body, mind, and soul. This title is given to those Sadhus who have acquired special knowledge of organisms and philosophical systems. They teach Jain scriptures to sadhus and sadhvis.

NAMO UVAJJHAYANAM has the aura of Yellow and Orange colour. Acharya symbolizes the organizational power, self – control, and discipline. Yellow and Orange colour represents Acharya. Both Yellow and Orange show wisdom, power to accomplish the goal, and discipline or strong will power in life.


“I touched the feet of teachers.”

When a common man decides to get detached from the worldly pleasures and attachments and follows the path of spirituality so that he can take his soul to a another dimension. They give up their worldly lives and become sadhus (monks) and sadhvis (nun).

Before becoming sadhus or sadhvis, a lay person must observe sadhus and understand their lifestyle and do religious studies like them. When they feel confident that they will be able to live the life of a monk or a nun, then they inform the acharya that they are ready and capable of following the vows of sadhu or sadhvi, then he give them Deeksha. Deeksha is an initiation ceremony when a common man changes to a sadhu (monk) or a Sadhvi (nun).

NAMO LOYE SAVVA SAHUNAM has aura of Black colour. Black colour creates a protective barrier, as it absorbs all the energy coming towards you. Thus, it consumes negativity, and gives the strength to fight against all the negativity.

The difference between Masters and Teachers:
The Master has known and imparts what he has known. The teacher has received from the one who has known, and delivers it to the world.


Meaning: These are 5 bowings which will destroy all the sins. The Maha Mantra – Navkar Mantra is considered one of most powerful mantras in Jain religion.

 DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Everyone seems to be crying about how education is necessary. But, have the educators, the teachers, the politicians, the NGOs realized what price the average family or even higher middle class or for that matter the whole nation will face if we educate our children in our current education system. The Vicious Circle we are in right now…Let’s just see the Future of our next few Generation:

Anyone who is studied in SSC Board, will tell you that they don’t want their children to go to SSC Board. So, now the options are boards like ICSE, CBSE, IGU, etc. Now, these boards are run by private corporations so they are expensive. For example, in cities the average school has fees of around Rs. 55,000/yr + Rs.50,000 deposit without donation. The fee is subject to hike up by around 15% every year.

If you ask a couple from middle and higher middle class: how many children they want to have? The usual answer you would get is: We want 2 children but, financially we can’t even afford one child, even if we both work. So, plan to have only one child. Now, let’s just imagine the plight of a child who does not have sibling and whose mom and dad both are working full time:

Child has no one around when he is going through problems of his own in the school, when he is being bullied, when he is not able to focus, no one to monitor his aggression and channelize it in a more constructive manner, no one to play with him, no one he can call his own, no one to fight with and then be protective about. The Child would not only have no sibling but also, will miss out on one parent always being around him/her. Thus, the insecurity will be double of what the current generation is facing, the feeling of ‘mine’, of being protective of someone, the knowledge that how much ever you fight and tear each other’s hair still you are part of one family and when a outside neighbor comes and fights with your sibling, you will become one - is lost. The commitment of a parent being around the child or setting the core values of family, love, and sacrifices for each other is lost for that child.

When this grows into their vibrant youth, they would be so comfortable with their solitude and be so practical that they would not be comfortable having a committed relationship with any person as they don’t know how to handle a committed relationship as they never had any experience of it. The Adult will not know how to handle fights and control their anger, to let go, to handle the negatives of other individual... as they never have had the practical experience of fighting with their siblings resulting in either breakdown of the adult or losing the control and doing something inappropriate while they encounter fights or get angry at others or run away when they see the negatives in other people. When the nation is attacked by the neighbor they hardly would know how to stick with fellow citizen of India - shoulder to shoulder and protect the fellow Indian brothers if they never had felt protective towards his/her brother or sister or for that matter their parents.

India is known to have adults who know how to persist and endure in the most difficult situations, who knows how to protect and help each other in the most difficult situations no matter how much they must have fought with each other in the name of caste, religion or creed. To let go of the anger, hatred, they know how to forgive other individual because their parents have forgiven them at their negative behaviors and they in turn, have forgiven their siblings.

The First relationship, one has is with his/her parents and siblings and if you don’t know that relationship, it would be very difficult to accept other relationship in your life fully, completely and with full honestly.

Why should our child miss these core values – because our government is not able to provide us with subsidize school of our choice or the school authorities can’t find a way to keep their fee structure low or we citizens of India don’t get up to these nonsense and say ‘Enough is Enough, we are not going to compromise our values and core concepts that make India’s children fit not only emotionally but also give them psychological edge’.

But, complaining is also not the solution, lets come together and find solution to this important problem. Lets not deprive our child of a sibling just because its financially expensive. A sibling is their first real relation where they will learn to be human and it will be their first lesson of ‘how to treat any other human being’.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Thanking Mother Earth

You taught us how to walk on your ground,
You let us grow our food on your ground,
You let us make our house on your ground,
You let us build factories on our ground,
You let us advance ourselves with the minerals,
                       Iron & Steel from your ground,
You let us have peace & serenity by providing
                       scenic view for us.

Like an Ideal Mother…

You gave your children all love, care and nurture you had,
You patiently tired to explain us in your own ways to stop exploiting you,
You even tired punishing us with earthquakes, volcanoes, famine, etc.

On the other hand,
                    We your children,
Dishonored you because of our unreasonable attitude,
Disrespecting you because of our greedy nature,
Never thanking you because we were busy worrying
                                         about our advancement,
Fighting with our fellow siblings for the possession of
                                           our dear Mother Earth.

But, in myriad ways, Mother you have made us aware that you can take care of yourself.

Finally, your children are realizing their mistakes,
Finally, your children are coming together for protecting our dearest mother,
Finally, we have learned to behave and respect all the things, Mother has provided us with, 

Finally, we promise and assure you that we will honor you, even if it means to sacrifice some of our comforts.

Your Sons & Daughters are apologizing you and truly THANK YOU for giving us all love, nurture & care.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions

+(91) 9869660362;