Thursday, August 24, 2017

Wise Elder

It is very important for any family to have one elder who is wise. But, how does one become wise? How is wisdom acquired?

Some will say, wisdom is acquired through experience, through failures, through facing challenges, etc.

We @FUDOL Therapies feel that wisdom is acquired when one understands the difference between Self - Respect and Ego. Where we develop the vision to identify whether a particular thought, word and action has come out of EGO or out of SELF RESPECT.

EGO is where you want to put the other person down at any cost, Ego is where no matter what you are losing... whether it is loss of a relationship, loss of peace of mind but you want things your way, EGO is where you always think of a win -lose situation, EGO makes you so blind that you refrain from looking at other person's pain, hurt and cry. EGO stems out of Fear.

SELF RESPECT is when you honour your existence and also honour others existence. Self Respect is where you know how much it is important to respect the other person as everyone wants to be respected and appreciated, where the relationship, peace of mind, healing your close ones wounds  will be more important than controlling the other person & feeling of competition you have against that person, Self - Respect is where one always thinks of a win - win situation, Self Respect stems out of Love.

Once a person functions out of Self Respect - Wisdom starts dawning, then resolving conflicts become easy and quick as you are resolving from a perspective of Win - Win Situation.

It is very important to have an Elder in the family who is Wise...sad is the plight of a family where there are no wise elders. Because few people of the family are bound to feel injustice, unfair, and hurt. It happens especially when:

a) Parent get biased towards any one of their children (if they have more than one) thus, increasing the sibling rivalry between the siblings, and will create grudge against the parent.

b) In Laws always taking their son's side even if they know that he is doing wrong to the daughter - in -law... just making the daughter - in - law feel isolated and thus, creating gap in the relationships.

c) One spouse not able to leave his/her stubbornness and because of Ego, letting everything go in drain...and always expecting the other person to compromise ... resulting in curses, hurt, and a wounded person.

d) There is lack of support for the weaker member of the family and the stronger members keep criticizing and taunting the person for being weak. Thus, corrupting the roots of the family and the repercussions will be felt for generations to come.

Become wise by knowing yourself, by knowing your limits  so that you can also know others limit. 

Become wise by always being aware: Am I taking this decision out of Ego or Self Respect?

Become wise by always accepting what you are feeling which will make it easier for you to accept other person's feelings in your family.

Become wise by apologizing to a younger member of your family - if you think you have done wrong.

Become wise by clearing your roots and giving justice to each and every member of your family... if you have been given a family - you also have been given the strength to uplift your family materially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Darsha Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counselor; Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Angel Therapist, Graphologist, Crystal Advisor)

We Do Online & Phone Counseling, 
+(91) 9869660362

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