Monday, May 21, 2012

When You Are In Love...

When you are in Love...suddenly you believe in the power of prayer, presence of higher power.

When you are in Love...suddenly you realize the importance of letting go, sacrifices does not seem like sacrifices.

When you are in Love...suddenly that person’s problems are your problems, that person’s happiness is your happiness.

When you are in Love...suddenly there is a shift from being possessive to being protective, 

When you are in Love...suddenly there is a shift from a tinge of jealousy to assisting that person in their dream fulfillment.

When you are in Love...suddenly mistakes that person makes become humane and forgiveness becomes your second nature.

When you are in Love...suddenly you stop caring what the world will think and stand by that person no matter what.

When you are in Love...suddenly being in that person’s bad phase will become more important than being present in their good times.

When you are in Love...suddenly the meaning of trust is no longer fidelity but honesty.

When you are in Love... suddenly you are prepared for all the acid test, need not worry about studying to pass that test.

When you are in Love...suddenly all the people who are close to that person becomes close to you as well.

When you are in Love...suddenly it’s not the years but, every moment you spend together that you save in your memory bank.

When you are in Love...suddenly sanctity of your relationship is more important than getting that person.

When you are in Love...suddenly you become a very good human being. 

When you are in Love...suddenly no planning, no strategy, no intellect works...when heart takes over. 

Love just happens and then it happens and it keeps happening...

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Being Educated...

Why is it that spite of getting educated, having degrees like Masters and Ph.D’s and making progress in all the spheres of life...we human beings aren’t able to make a drastic progress in broadening our mindset?

Though this question has always bothered me ...Are we just literate but, not really educated? Is schools just providing us the skill set to survive in this world? Are we just getting polished externally ... and our internal self isn’t getting touched in the face of survival, competition, the need to be on top, to earn ‘enough’ money, to have a better and bigger standard of living, etc.
It has always been my observation that having a broad mindset and being educated is no where even closely related. Then I started thinking... what is it that we aren’t able to learn in our most precious years of getting educated? Why after all our school, college, university, masters, Ph.D. we are still where we began? We still have the same guilt towards fulfilling one’s biological need, we still discriminate against gender, sexual –orientation, race, caste, creed, wealth, etc. etc. One way or the other human genes is so habituated with forming judgments, the want to discriminate, to demean others is so high that somewhere education is not able to cope with this challenge.

A child’s most important years are the first 10 years wherein, the child builds his foundation, his emotional, mental, and spiritual intellect, his rights and wrongs, his trust levels, his mindset is formed, the first thoughts about life, himself, people around him are formed. Here, it is very important to let child take his own stand and let him decide what according to him is the right thing.

For example, rather than telling him Gandhiji was a great person and Hilter was a dictator and a bad person ... our education should give him the facts and let him decide whether he wants to put these people in any category.

It's a very difficult challenge for any parent and teacher to save a child from absorbing others judgments, preconceived notions, to start discriminate in early age, to form inhibitions towards sex and sensuality. 

What schools can do is give the child a platform of neutrality. As important as it is to learn Maths, Science, History and Geography equal importance should be given to Value Education. Not first half hour but full syllabus should be prepared to discuss on all the values, ethics, inhibitions, discrimination, social evils, etc without forming any judgment – just pure discussion so that a child can hear various point of view and can have an opportunity to question his way of thinking.

Teachers amongst them also should have these group discussions on a regular basis so that they can also question their judgments on various topics and try not to impose their views on the child.
Schools rather than hurrying to finish the syllabus of various subjects should also focus on giving justice to each chapter taught. A child can thrive in natural setting and will never forget anything taught to him with examples, role play, seeing with its eye a valley, a historic spot, etc. Here, parents can also help. A parent – teacher association can go a long way. It is important to let a child be his natural self like be full of joy, play as much as possible, to encourage his creativity and talent in various arenas of life.

In this formative years, if a child’s creativity, talent, intelligence, a broaden outlook, and a questioning attitude is developed then a society, country and the world @ large will have to worry less about problems like discrimination, inhibitions, etc. Social evils are also likely to reduced. Same way, a parent will never have to worry about how their child will earn their living as the initial creativity and talent development can go a long way for that child.

A skill can be developed anytime...our society does not have to worry about that. What it needs to really worry about is our children’s mind and what gets imprinted on them.

FUDOL (fillingupthedash-esoflife) Therapies conducts regular group discussions with children on various topics according to their age groups. If you desire that your child should open up to questioning his/her judgments, preconceived notions before it gets imprinted for long, do email us to fix an appointment.     
DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;