13th July ’11, Wednesday, Los Angeles, 7:00am
Just heard that Mumbai was again hit by terror attacks, there were 4 blasts in the city. A thought penetrates in my mind; will these attacks be forgotten within a week by people and the government? Will the terrorist name Kasab never be punished? Will we pay from our pocket for Kasab’s food and his staying, while hundreds and thousands of our soldier and common tax payers keep on dying? What will be that breaking point of our government and people where we would say, ‘Enough Is Enough’? Being a nation where great leaders like M.K. Gandhi, Vallabhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, etc. never taught us to be ‘resilient’ against wrong things. They all in their own ways fought against the wrong doings, till they either sacrificed their lives or till they won against injustice.
Agreed, the current situation is much worst and complex then it was during the British Rule but, to counter that we also are equipped with all the modern technology, a billion people, and some excellent leaders... who if concentrate on winning this war against terrorism…can achieve great results. The basic principle that our great leaders taught us are not limited to the Era of British Rule. For Ex: ‘If the person who’s doing injustice is a sinner, then the person who’s not standing against that injustice is a bigger sinner.’
Where are the leaders who create riots within religious communities go, the leaders who have the capacity to torment the people who have elected them by imposing ‘Bandhs’ every now and then, breaking public property for apparently no reason. We want such rage, such madness now…we want terrorist to get afraid of these leaders like common man is afraid of these leaders. C’mon get out of your den and show your real power where it really matters. This is the time we need leaders who have the quality of being intolerant if, we were to solve the problem of terrorism.
There are enough problems in a common man’s life viz. personal, family, financial, social, physiological, psychological, and now terrorism. We elect a set of people to govern our particular territory which we call our country, so that, we don’t have to bother for our economy, environmental hazards, safety and security as we have specialist, people who we pay to deal with these situations. But Indian politicians can not do anything other than write mild letters to the responsible party creating havoc in the country. Can our country ever come to a point where welfare of Indian citizens would become the foremost and the only priority for its government?
The day as a nation we say ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’ there wouldn't be any looking back. No developed country can bully us, no problem will be big enough for us - 1 Billion people.
‘UNITY and PASSION’ is all we required!!!!
DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
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