Sunday, October 28, 2018

Negative Emotional Poking

We have a tendency to believe that if a major event like accident, death in the family, illness in the family, etc. are the only main stressors of life. I say, the main stressors of our life are the small daily negative emotional poking which we all go through. While, we all juggle through different roles in life and try to fulfill everyone's expectations - we also unknowingly take up the role of the victim by going through the daily negative emotional poking which happens in our immediate environment. 

This Negative Emotional Poking is not acceptable in our society as a problem and we often hear our well wishers saying that those are 'small things', 'it's natural', 'hote rehta hai', etc. These Daily Negative Emotional Poking mostly comes from our close ones, people with whom we stay in the same house, our relatives, often from our friends, our employees, our colleague, etc.

Few of those Daily Emotional Poking can be:
Continuous Taunting, Critical of Every Small Thing You Do, Withdrawing & Not Expressing, Blaming You for Everything, Complaining on Every Issue, Not Acknowledging Your Efforts, etc.

And I am sure all of us have gone through these daily negative emotional poking and felt - "Maybe I am not good enough," "Let me put in more efforts," "I can't make anyone happy," etc. We form many habits like Binge Eating, Any kinds of Addiction including shopping, social media, eating chocolates, eating junk foods, etc.

Instead, what we require is Daily Dose of Self - Uplifting Behavior from these daily Negative Emotional Poking. Few Tips how to remove these daily Negative Emotional Poking from your system or we say AURA - Our Energetic Field:
1) Removal of Anger:

These daily Negative Emotional Poking accumulates a lot of anger in us on a daily basis against others and against our own self. Daily Journaling/Writing a Dairy and taking account of your emotions will help you in removing your day to day anger and will clear our emotional cloud.

2) Change Your Perspective:

Change Your Perspective from,

"No one is Happy with Me " to  "I Only have to be Happy with Myself,"
"I am Sole Responsible for the House" to "Everyone Needs to Participate in Household Chores,"
"When Will My Life Change" to "What Can I Do To Change My Life,"
"I have So Many Problems" to "What Are The Solutions Of My Problems."

3) Honor Your Initial Promise:

Your Initial Soul Promise to yourself was to take care of yourself, to love yourself and reach your highest potential in whatever you do. Are you honoring your initial promise?
Make a list of all the things which will help you to honor your initial promise. It could be exercising daily to going for a vacation which you longed for. 

4) Uplift Yourself:

Daily Uplift yourself by spending 2 minutes in front of the mirror - smiling at yourself, tell yourself how beautiful you are, admire yourself, tell yourself, "I Love You."

Book an appointment with us if you want to implement this above 4 points effectively wherein, we will help you remove all the blockages, patterns, negative thought process from the roots and support you in your journey of Self - Love.

Darsha Gandhi Mehta
Psychologist, Therapist & A Mystic
Mob/Whtsapp: +(91)9869660362

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Soul Career/Soul Mate


As the portals of Soul Career are opening, earthlings on the earth are receiving many messages to follow their Soul Career.

Energy from the portal of Soul Career is making the earthlings restless in their current professions, they are not able to concentrate, succeed in their profession/business/service which was their choice in different time, place and  for different reason. As the energies from various portals are opening and entering the Earth, the energy of the earthlings are shifting faster than ever. These energies are nudging the earthlings in gentle but firm ways to start their spiritual path in the form of Soul Career, or with their Soul Groups or Soul Mates quickly to balance out the energies on the earth.

As the earthlings evolve intellectually, spiritually and emotionally - they develop their invisible senses of clairaudience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, etc. These senses allow the messages from one's guardian angel, higher self to be more visible/audible. Many times, these messages goes against whatever the earthlings are conditioned on the earth by their elders, and goes beyond the logic of societal rules and regulation. More we follow the messages from our angels, subconscious mind, our inner child or higher self, more one will start living a life of peace, contentment, wisdom and fulfillment.
 Soul Career is that career which the soul wants to develop in this lifetime and is a part of his/her mission on the earth.

Similarly, many Soul Mates are entering one's life either for Karmic Settlements, as Earth Angels, as Business Partners, Therapist, Healers, etc. Earthlings are attracting many Soul Mates whom they will feel attracted to emotionally, spiritually, physically, and intellectually.

'You can have an excellent conversation with someone who has just entered in your life like you know that person for long time. You can just fall in love with a person whom you have just met or you know, but suddenly you feel that intense love for that person, you just feel like helping and supporting a start up, a stranger in his/her struggles of life'.

Universe has its own laws and it does not understand the laws made by various societies on the goes beyond caste, religion, creed, age, etc. If a Soul Mate or a Soul Career is coming your way - it's never a wrong timing...

Honor, Respect and Be Thankful to that new Soul Mates/ Soul Careers entering your life. Cherish them in your life in whichever ways you can resonate  with these Soul Mates/Soul Careers. As Universe is teaching you lessons in:
1) Living in Presence
2) Change & Uncertainty Being Inevitable
3) Cherish What is Given
4) Lessons of Unconditional Love & Acceptance towards Self & Others.
5) Lessons of Forgiveness
6) Lessons of Karmas

Be ready to question Negative Soul Characteristics like Ego, Hate, Manipulation, Possessiveness, Jealousy, Obsession, Being Controlling, Insecurities, etc... so that you are shown the path of Freedom, Love and Respect by these new energies coming in from different portals.

Loads of Love! Light! Laughter! to One & All

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362   

Saturday, December 2, 2017


From challenges in relationship like: partners not paying attention, not listening; anger issues; constant criticizing, condemning each other; fighting a lot; issues in sharing finance; emotional abuse towards each other by playing mind games, manipulating; infidelity; issues in physical attraction, issues in their intimate life; infertility, stress due to in - laws and other external environment; emotional - physical estrangement towards each other and the likes.

We @FUDOL have now handled a gamut of relationship challenges. One thing common about all our couple client is their stubbornness to fight all the challenges to be together, their faith in the idea of TOGETHERNESS.

We usually keep hearing from our elders that, "Current generation lacks the quality of tolerance."

We @FUDOL say, "Today's generation is an aware lot of young adults who knows that unnecessary compromises, putting one's self - identity and one's self worth aside for a relationship is not healthy and not a long term option for themselves and for their partner."

We @FUDOL have observed that both the partners are willing to work towards Being Together: by opening up their hearts to changing themselves, taking support from a marriage counselors, overcoming their personal baggage for Being Together.

It is amazing to watch how 2 people in a relationship fight, cry, get hurt...but when it comes to the point of separation...They fight for each other, they cry for each other, they want to stretch an extra mile to resolve their own internal and external conflicts to save their relationship.

@FUDOL Therapies we SALUTE all our couple clients for restoring faith in the idea of a relationship by their faith in their own TOGETHERNESS, for having the attitude of: "NO MATTER WHAT...WE WILL BE TOGETHER."

Every story of TOGETHERNESS we have supported @FUDOL is beautiful and special to our hearts.

We @FUDOL also promise to all you couples, no matter what the challenge you are currently facing ... we will support you, be your sounding board, be the pillar of strength you require - in your fight to be TOGETHER.

 Cheers!!! To Being Together!!!

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362   

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Wise Elder

It is very important for any family to have one elder who is wise. But, how does one become wise? How is wisdom acquired?

Some will say, wisdom is acquired through experience, through failures, through facing challenges, etc.

We @FUDOL Therapies feel that wisdom is acquired when one understands the difference between Self - Respect and Ego. Where we develop the vision to identify whether a particular thought, word and action has come out of EGO or out of SELF RESPECT.

EGO is where you want to put the other person down at any cost, Ego is where no matter what you are losing... whether it is loss of a relationship, loss of peace of mind but you want things your way, EGO is where you always think of a win -lose situation, EGO makes you so blind that you refrain from looking at other person's pain, hurt and cry. EGO stems out of Fear.

SELF RESPECT is when you honour your existence and also honour others existence. Self Respect is where you know how much it is important to respect the other person as everyone wants to be respected and appreciated, where the relationship, peace of mind, healing your close ones wounds  will be more important than controlling the other person & feeling of competition you have against that person, Self - Respect is where one always thinks of a win - win situation, Self Respect stems out of Love.

Once a person functions out of Self Respect - Wisdom starts dawning, then resolving conflicts become easy and quick as you are resolving from a perspective of Win - Win Situation.

It is very important to have an Elder in the family who is Wise...sad is the plight of a family where there are no wise elders. Because few people of the family are bound to feel injustice, unfair, and hurt. It happens especially when:

a) Parent get biased towards any one of their children (if they have more than one) thus, increasing the sibling rivalry between the siblings, and will create grudge against the parent.

b) In Laws always taking their son's side even if they know that he is doing wrong to the daughter - in -law... just making the daughter - in - law feel isolated and thus, creating gap in the relationships.

c) One spouse not able to leave his/her stubbornness and because of Ego, letting everything go in drain...and always expecting the other person to compromise ... resulting in curses, hurt, and a wounded person.

d) There is lack of support for the weaker member of the family and the stronger members keep criticizing and taunting the person for being weak. Thus, corrupting the roots of the family and the repercussions will be felt for generations to come.

Become wise by knowing yourself, by knowing your limits  so that you can also know others limit. 

Become wise by always being aware: Am I taking this decision out of Ego or Self Respect?

Become wise by always accepting what you are feeling which will make it easier for you to accept other person's feelings in your family.

Become wise by apologizing to a younger member of your family - if you think you have done wrong.

Become wise by clearing your roots and giving justice to each and every member of your family... if you have been given a family - you also have been given the strength to uplift your family materially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Darsha Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counselor; Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Angel Therapist, Graphologist, Crystal Advisor)

We Do Online & Phone Counseling, 
+(91) 9869660362

Friday, May 12, 2017


It is the second part of the blog Family Politics...

Most of the families have more or less become like the POLITICAL Houses wherein there is manipulation, ego, condemnation, demeaning each other, not standing up for what is right but sticking to people and things that are advantageous to oneself rather than the whole family. Many times as each one of us is carrying our baggage and perception that we aren't able to understand our own near and dear ones. Lot of times, the fear of what people will say, fear of losing one's social credibility is so high that you would treat family members who are considered 'to be not doing well materialistically' badly.

So what do we do when we need the energy of love, warmth, comfort, strength and power... when we are on our lowest ladder on the earth... We invoke our SOUL FAMILY...

Just by asking god/universe, "I need my soul family - please send my soul family member who could help me and support me to rise higher spiritually, mentally and emotionally in this crisis"

BOOM!!! Universe will start sending you members of your SOUL Family.

Your soul family members could be some of your family member who will suddenly turn kind and warmth, a member of the extended family, business partner, colleague, group of friends, associated, doctor, psychotherapist, a set of complete strangers. They may not come together ...they will come one by one to support you in the way they are capable and comfortable. They will give you lot of love and strength which needs to be given to a family member in crisis and pull you up and guide you to put yourself back on your soul's path.

Our soul family have also taken birth as human beings on this earth with a pact among each other that whenever anyone member requires support - wherever each of them is located on the earth - they will come and support that one member. They may or may not continue to stay in your life after the crisis is resolved.

SOUL FAMILY was formed and send on earth so that...

As family they can help each other to rise helping each other with all the materialistic challenges of the earth, supporting each other in emotional lows, protect members when any one of them is harmed spiritually, come together to form a new world order, etc.

So, don't worry if your own family on the earth isn't supportive or your spouse's family which is also socially your family isn't supportive towards you in your crisis - You still have one family which will never fail you, disappoint you and you can always count on it - Your SOUL FAMILY.

Darsha Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counselor; Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Angel Therapist, Graphologist, Crystal Advisor)

We Do Online & Phone Counseling, 
+(91) 9869660362