Saturday, December 2, 2017


From challenges in relationship like: partners not paying attention, not listening; anger issues; constant criticizing, condemning each other; fighting a lot; issues in sharing finance; emotional abuse towards each other by playing mind games, manipulating; infidelity; issues in physical attraction, issues in their intimate life; infertility, stress due to in - laws and other external environment; emotional - physical estrangement towards each other and the likes.

We @FUDOL have now handled a gamut of relationship challenges. One thing common about all our couple client is their stubbornness to fight all the challenges to be together, their faith in the idea of TOGETHERNESS.

We usually keep hearing from our elders that, "Current generation lacks the quality of tolerance."

We @FUDOL say, "Today's generation is an aware lot of young adults who knows that unnecessary compromises, putting one's self - identity and one's self worth aside for a relationship is not healthy and not a long term option for themselves and for their partner."

We @FUDOL have observed that both the partners are willing to work towards Being Together: by opening up their hearts to changing themselves, taking support from a marriage counselors, overcoming their personal baggage for Being Together.

It is amazing to watch how 2 people in a relationship fight, cry, get hurt...but when it comes to the point of separation...They fight for each other, they cry for each other, they want to stretch an extra mile to resolve their own internal and external conflicts to save their relationship.

@FUDOL Therapies we SALUTE all our couple clients for restoring faith in the idea of a relationship by their faith in their own TOGETHERNESS, for having the attitude of: "NO MATTER WHAT...WE WILL BE TOGETHER."

Every story of TOGETHERNESS we have supported @FUDOL is beautiful and special to our hearts.

We @FUDOL also promise to all you couples, no matter what the challenge you are currently facing ... we will support you, be your sounding board, be the pillar of strength you require - in your fight to be TOGETHER.

 Cheers!!! To Being Together!!!

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362