It is the second part of the blog Family Politics...
Most of the families have more or less become like the
POLITICAL Houses wherein there is manipulation, ego, condemnation, demeaning each
other, not standing up for what is right but sticking to people and things that are advantageous to oneself rather than the whole family. Many times as each one
of us is carrying our baggage and perception that we aren't able to understand
our own near and dear ones. Lot of times, the fear of what people will say,
fear of losing one's social credibility is so high that you would treat family members who are considered 'to be not doing well materialistically' badly.
So what do we do when we need the energy of love, warmth,
comfort, strength and power... when we are on our lowest ladder on the earth... We
invoke our SOUL FAMILY...
Just by asking god/universe, "I need my soul family -
please send my soul family member who could help me and support me to rise
higher spiritually, mentally and emotionally in this crisis"
BOOM!!! Universe will start sending you members of your SOUL
Your soul family members could be some of your family member
who will suddenly turn kind and warmth, a member of the extended family, business
partner, colleague, group of friends, associated, doctor, psychotherapist, a set
of complete strangers. They may not come together ...they will come one by one
to support you in the way they are capable and comfortable. They will give you
lot of love and strength which needs to be given to a family member in crisis
and pull you up and guide you to put yourself back on your soul's path.
Our soul family have also taken birth as human beings on
this earth with a pact among each other that whenever anyone member
requires support - wherever each of them is located on the earth - they will come
and support that one member. They may or may not continue to stay in your life
after the crisis is resolved.
SOUL FAMILY was formed and send on earth so that...
As family they can help each other to rise
helping each other with all the materialistic challenges of the earth, supporting
each other in emotional lows, protect members when any one of them is harmed
spiritually, come together to form a new world order, etc.
So, don't worry if your own family on the earth isn't
supportive or your spouse's family which is also socially your family isn't
supportive towards you in your crisis - You still have one family which will
never fail you, disappoint you and you can always count on it - Your SOUL
Darsha Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counselor; Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Angel Therapist, Graphologist, Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counseling,
+(91) 9869660362
(Psychotherapist & Counselor; Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Angel Therapist, Graphologist, Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counseling,
+(91) 9869660362