Sunday, July 17, 2016


When Life Hits You Hard,
 Reality Comes To Bite You,
 No Distractions Can Make You Happy,
 You Are Not Able To See A Silver Lining Behind A Dark Cloud,
 That's When You Need To Learn...  The Art of Surrendering To The Supreme.    

Many times, we feel our life was not supposed to be the way it is right now.
Maybe, we have made few incorrect choices.
In spite of stretching ourselves to make efforts we aren't able to succeed.
Every ways we move we find a road block ahead.

Probably, we are not able to surrender our innate desire so that the Universe can work on it.

Let us see how we can make the Art of Surrendering easy & simple:

1) Focus On What is Working For You:

 If life/destiny/karmas have made you sacrifice few very "important" aspects of your life - it has sure shot given you few things in life wherein, your soul can take a huge leap in its growth. Figure those things out. Start working on it. Focus on it. Nurture it. Your soul recognizes it...your ego needs to now let go the stubbornness of expecting the returns at any cost.

In Disguise, It will be your Opportunity to Grow out of an Ordinary Life to an Extra - Ordinary Life.

2) Detach:

Divert your energy which goes into Expecting Results ---- (into) Nurturing your Physical - Emotional - Mental - Spiritual Self. Keep high aspirations for yourself. (Ambition might take you to Win - Lose Situation wherein, Aspirations will always be Win - Win Situations). Your aspirations will not only help you grow and reach your potential but will also support others around you to grow and reach their potential.

High Aspirations will always Result in Healing Yourself, Others and has the Potential to Heal the World.

3) Surrender all the Dishonoring of Self:

When you are stuck at life issue - Life throws at you an excellent opportunity to work on your fears, your rigid belief system, to challenge your self - doubt, to be bold enough to create your own path and follow it.

Honor your Soul with Strength to Live a Life of Valor.

4) Forgive Yourself:

Forgive yourself for not able to achieve your desired goals - it does not make you a "loser". This is just your story. This is just your soul's journey. Be proud to have made that effort. Now, Surrender. Forgive Yourself. No sacrifice goes unnoticed by the Universe. No effort goes waste.

Surrender Yourself & Live Life Fully Without Expectations - For the Soul to Reach its Potential.    

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362