Sunday, March 20, 2016

Journey of Forgiveness

According to FUDOL, "To FORGIVE means to develop an awareness - that it is useless to hold on grudges towards people who you feel have harmed you in any ways and go beyond your anger, hurt, and pain to an understanding of what exactly compassion or empathy means."
Let me here explain to you with some scenarios:

A] Betrayal: Someone has betrayed you very badly in business or any kind of relationship. Your trust has been broken, you knew, "Something is amiss", "Wish I could have been more vigilant."
Unaware State: You are angry, you are in pain because of that person's action, you curse that person.

Aware State: You empathetically think that maybe that person is so afraid in his life for his survival and must be so insecured from within, which has lead to such actions. Let that incident go and move on.
Maturity Lessons: You will experience the biggest and toughest lesson of your life - to feel compassionate for people who you feel have harmed you. Now, next time along with being trustful you will also be vigilant and work on all the aspects you have been lethargic about.

You Start Taking Charge of Your Life.    

B] Justice: Maybe you are seeking for rights in property (legally) or in a relationship you are begging for your rights to your spouse.
Unaware State: I will fight for it (property), beg for it (relationship), get angry on it, cry about your life being miserable because of that person or situation, etc.

Aware State: You will feel compassionate for that person and say to yourself, "Maybe, he/she does not realize the value of relationships. God Bless him/her. I send him/her a lot of love. Universe will take care of me."       
Maturity Lessons:  You are a much bigger being than a single relationship/property. You have rights on all the things which Universe has to offer. Your purpose in life is maybe different than just staying in that situation and begging for your rights - Let the situation/relationships which does not recognize your worth help you to reach your potential.

Reaching Your Highest and Truest Potential.
C] Ganging Up: You are going through the toughest phase of your life but the people who you consider your family/friends gang up against you - show no empathy, become heartless to your pain, your heartache, become cold to your suffering due to their selfish motives.

Unaware State: You think, speak and behave in a negative way in front of them and when they are not present. Everyday getting disturbed by what they have done, not able to concentrate, and feel irritated.
Aware State: Well, maybe my this set of family/friends are not present positively when I am going through my toughest phase in life. But, there is this another set of family/friends which are standing behind me positively and firmly.

Maturity Lesson: Universe/God will never let me be alone. It isn't necessary that I will receive support and help from close ones that I have supported & helped. But, definitely will be supported/helped by the Universe.

Whenever next I support/help a person - it will be unconditional and with out any expectations.
We @FUDOL understand that it is very difficult for most of us to fill the gap from Unaware State to Aware State to reach our Maturity Lessons. That's why we have called it a Journey of Forgiveness. This journey of forgiveness will not be easy - but, it will definitely  be worth it. In this Journey of Forgiveness, FUDOL will always be your support and guide.

Levels which the JOURNEY of FORGIVENESS Workshop will have:

1) Dealing With Emotions
2) Shortcomings
3) Confusions
4)  Awareness
5) Forgiveness
6) Maturity Lessons

Do Join our JOURNEY of FORGIVENESS Workshop if:

You want to go Beyond What has Happened,
         You want to Grow in Positive Direction,

                       You want to Find the Purpose of that Situation/Relationship Happening in your Life.  

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362