Monday, September 26, 2016

Kalyug: Challenge: Creating A Baby

According to many of our religion Kalyug has started. What is Kalyug? Is it something to be afraid of? Will everything bad happen in Kalyug?
According to FUDOL Therapies, Kalyug means, "A phase where an opportunity is given by the Universe to resolve and absolve all our past karmas which our souls has been carrying with it. Thus, giving us a chance to start balancing our Karmas."

There are many challenges in today's world and in areas which never were thought would create problems. One of the challenges that has prominently increased is: "Couples not able to conceive a child. A decade back the act of conceiving a child was natural and a normal process. Now, suddenly it has become the biggest challenge in many couple's life.
Vicious Cycle 1

Mostly, we have seen that Physical Intimacy between couple's have gone low due to various stressors. Creating a vacuum in Emotional - Mental - Spiritual areas as well. Many couples walk on different paths after marriage and lose their connections due to work pressure, immediate family life, health issues, etc. Creating a vicious cycle of anger, distrust and disconnection - further pushing the child away to come into your family orbit.
Vicious Cycle 2  

Mostly, when a couples go to a gynac and gets their test done - they find out either low sperm count, low sperm quality or low AMH (low egg count in females) - which generates fear in couples - thus, increasing the stress level - which in turn does not allow medicines to work effectively.
We @FUDOL have seen a lot of miracles happening by breaking this above vicious cycles and overcoming many other challenges which a couple's face. But, the pre - requisite for a miracle to occur is:

Both Husband and Wife should be ready to work towards having a baby, creating a baby should be their top priority.
Here, are few tips for the couples to check where the actual problem area lies:

a) Check your stress level in areas like Marriage, Personal, Work and Immediate Family Life.
1 (No Stress).............................................................................................................5 (High Stress)

b) Check if there is any kind of Anger, Hatred, Guilt, Regret shimmering inside you? And for whom?
c) Which area/needs of your relationship with your spouse is incomplete?

d) What are the lessons you both need to learn from the challenge you face as a couple - On a Personal Level as well as Relationship Level?
We @FUDOL Therapies are committed to Support you in the whole process right from Balancing the Couple's Karmas before pregnancy happens - Inviting the baby in the Family Orbit - During Pregnancy - Post Pregnancy with the expertise, different modalities we use and last but not the least the human touch we provide along with the professionalism - will make a couple's journey to create their own baby beautiful and memorable.  

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta

(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counseling ,       +(91) 9869660362   

Sunday, July 17, 2016


When Life Hits You Hard,
 Reality Comes To Bite You,
 No Distractions Can Make You Happy,
 You Are Not Able To See A Silver Lining Behind A Dark Cloud,
 That's When You Need To Learn...  The Art of Surrendering To The Supreme.    

Many times, we feel our life was not supposed to be the way it is right now.
Maybe, we have made few incorrect choices.
In spite of stretching ourselves to make efforts we aren't able to succeed.
Every ways we move we find a road block ahead.

Probably, we are not able to surrender our innate desire so that the Universe can work on it.

Let us see how we can make the Art of Surrendering easy & simple:

1) Focus On What is Working For You:

 If life/destiny/karmas have made you sacrifice few very "important" aspects of your life - it has sure shot given you few things in life wherein, your soul can take a huge leap in its growth. Figure those things out. Start working on it. Focus on it. Nurture it. Your soul recognizes it...your ego needs to now let go the stubbornness of expecting the returns at any cost.

In Disguise, It will be your Opportunity to Grow out of an Ordinary Life to an Extra - Ordinary Life.

2) Detach:

Divert your energy which goes into Expecting Results ---- (into) Nurturing your Physical - Emotional - Mental - Spiritual Self. Keep high aspirations for yourself. (Ambition might take you to Win - Lose Situation wherein, Aspirations will always be Win - Win Situations). Your aspirations will not only help you grow and reach your potential but will also support others around you to grow and reach their potential.

High Aspirations will always Result in Healing Yourself, Others and has the Potential to Heal the World.

3) Surrender all the Dishonoring of Self:

When you are stuck at life issue - Life throws at you an excellent opportunity to work on your fears, your rigid belief system, to challenge your self - doubt, to be bold enough to create your own path and follow it.

Honor your Soul with Strength to Live a Life of Valor.

4) Forgive Yourself:

Forgive yourself for not able to achieve your desired goals - it does not make you a "loser". This is just your story. This is just your soul's journey. Be proud to have made that effort. Now, Surrender. Forgive Yourself. No sacrifice goes unnoticed by the Universe. No effort goes waste.

Surrender Yourself & Live Life Fully Without Expectations - For the Soul to Reach its Potential.    

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362   

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Earth Angels

When you are in the middle of a tidal wave in your journey of life wherein, you can't see clearly; you are physically, mentally and/or emotionally drain; where just to think straight is a lot of effort, when you are surrounded by dark clouds of anger, sadness, fear; where your closed ones have no clue how to get you out of it - That's when you will always find an Earth Angel suddenly appearing out of no where, stepping ahead of you, holding your hands and guiding you out of that tidal wave, showing you the right direction, being there with you when you break down in your struggle with your dark clouds, when you lose hope of getting out of that tidal wave...Earth Angel would show you what your are capable of achieving.

Earth Angel will give you loads of unconditional love, support, acceptance and understanding till you are strong enough to see the shore clearly.

Do Earth Angels Exists? Yes, Earth Angels are there in each and everyone's life.
When do they enter our life? They enter our life when we go through our life's biggest and toughest challenge.

What is the purpose of Earth Angel? Earth Angel is a person who is like an anchor which our conscious mind holds on to till our soul recovers its strength.
Who are Earth Angels? Earth Angels are like any other human being but, one of their purpose on the earth is to help and support their fellow soul mates/family when they are going through their life's challenges and help them to get on to their spiritual path. A stranger,  a distant relative, a family member whom you don't interact much with suddenly will start talking to you in your struggling times and support you to sail through that tough phase beautifully. 

How to recognize Earth Angels?
Earth Angels are normal human beings. In regular times, they have their weakness like impatience, hot tempered, non listeners - But when they enter your life and see you in the midst of a tidal wave suddenly, one of their purpose of taking birth is invoked which is to take you out of that situation, making them more stronger,  they act out of a nature which they haven't thought they even possessed. Their impatience will vanish while dealing with you, non listeners will turn into listeners, they will regain their capacity to control their anger while you cry and sulk about your struggles, etc. 

Their love for you will be unconditional, the affection they will give you is divine and the way they will take care of you - you will know Universe has send them to you. You will know in your gut that you can blindly rely on them to guide you through that tidal wave.
Just trust your intuition. Risk holding the Earth Angels hand to guide you through your personal tidal wave. You would never be disappointed.

We @FUDOL act as an anchor - till the client regains it's soul power, till the client is again peaceful, till the client uncovers and heals all the bruises he/she encounters in their struggle with their personal tidal wave. 

To further know about us:
DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)

We Do Online & Phone Counseling Session
+(91) 9869660362,   

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Journey of Forgiveness

According to FUDOL, "To FORGIVE means to develop an awareness - that it is useless to hold on grudges towards people who you feel have harmed you in any ways and go beyond your anger, hurt, and pain to an understanding of what exactly compassion or empathy means."
Let me here explain to you with some scenarios:

A] Betrayal: Someone has betrayed you very badly in business or any kind of relationship. Your trust has been broken, you knew, "Something is amiss", "Wish I could have been more vigilant."
Unaware State: You are angry, you are in pain because of that person's action, you curse that person.

Aware State: You empathetically think that maybe that person is so afraid in his life for his survival and must be so insecured from within, which has lead to such actions. Let that incident go and move on.
Maturity Lessons: You will experience the biggest and toughest lesson of your life - to feel compassionate for people who you feel have harmed you. Now, next time along with being trustful you will also be vigilant and work on all the aspects you have been lethargic about.

You Start Taking Charge of Your Life.    

B] Justice: Maybe you are seeking for rights in property (legally) or in a relationship you are begging for your rights to your spouse.
Unaware State: I will fight for it (property), beg for it (relationship), get angry on it, cry about your life being miserable because of that person or situation, etc.

Aware State: You will feel compassionate for that person and say to yourself, "Maybe, he/she does not realize the value of relationships. God Bless him/her. I send him/her a lot of love. Universe will take care of me."       
Maturity Lessons:  You are a much bigger being than a single relationship/property. You have rights on all the things which Universe has to offer. Your purpose in life is maybe different than just staying in that situation and begging for your rights - Let the situation/relationships which does not recognize your worth help you to reach your potential.

Reaching Your Highest and Truest Potential.
C] Ganging Up: You are going through the toughest phase of your life but the people who you consider your family/friends gang up against you - show no empathy, become heartless to your pain, your heartache, become cold to your suffering due to their selfish motives.

Unaware State: You think, speak and behave in a negative way in front of them and when they are not present. Everyday getting disturbed by what they have done, not able to concentrate, and feel irritated.
Aware State: Well, maybe my this set of family/friends are not present positively when I am going through my toughest phase in life. But, there is this another set of family/friends which are standing behind me positively and firmly.

Maturity Lesson: Universe/God will never let me be alone. It isn't necessary that I will receive support and help from close ones that I have supported & helped. But, definitely will be supported/helped by the Universe.

Whenever next I support/help a person - it will be unconditional and with out any expectations.
We @FUDOL understand that it is very difficult for most of us to fill the gap from Unaware State to Aware State to reach our Maturity Lessons. That's why we have called it a Journey of Forgiveness. This journey of forgiveness will not be easy - but, it will definitely  be worth it. In this Journey of Forgiveness, FUDOL will always be your support and guide.

Levels which the JOURNEY of FORGIVENESS Workshop will have:

1) Dealing With Emotions
2) Shortcomings
3) Confusions
4)  Awareness
5) Forgiveness
6) Maturity Lessons

Do Join our JOURNEY of FORGIVENESS Workshop if:

You want to go Beyond What has Happened,
         You want to Grow in Positive Direction,

                       You want to Find the Purpose of that Situation/Relationship Happening in your Life.  

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362