Friday, April 17, 2015

Real Education

You can be literate but not necessarily educated...

You could be educated but not necessarily literate...
By developing different kinds of skills, by polishing your talents, by honing your intellect you can get literate and learn how to earn money ... but that isn't necessarily called Education.

We can be called Educated  when we learn the art of introspection, when we go on the ground and work, when we form relationships, when we bear the pain of break ups; when we dare to dream and we fail and again dare to dream, when our hearts have enough compassion for other living beings, when we encounter real practical difficulties and come out of it, when we accept ours and others limitations, and  when we make our every experience as an opportunity to be wise.
Yes, Literacy Institution are important but along with that one needs to be taught how to find its way out in practical life by giving lot of emphasis on soft yet very powerful skills like making the children do day - to - day activities, make them value relationships, empowering them to handle relationships efficiently, by teaching them how to minimize their stress level, how to not get carried away in the rat race, teach them that every individual is unique and different, teach them to respect themselves and others equally, build their strong SELF's, teach them how to handle bullies, teach them that it's OK to fail and teach them how to grow from failures.

Yes, Literacy Institution indirectly does teach the above soft skills but not consciously and not everyone learns. Why not make these literacy institution in real sense Educational Institution where these soft skills are given its due importance.

Our children spent nearly 20 years of their life getting literate ...first finishing their pre - school, nursery, schooling of 10 years, college 2 years, graduation 3 years, post graduation 2 years.
How many students when they come out can be called educated and have gained some wisdom?
How many students are confident to handle relationships, failures of life, have high self - image to dream and fulfill those dreams?
How many students know how to extract wisdom out of every experience?

Some children might require special attention in some things or in a particular area say for example: Self - Confidence. Isn't it every child's right to get its due attention? Everyone knows there is shortage of teachers, good staff, etc. etc. Can't we think out of the box. There has to be answer to all these obstacles.

There are schools that have started focusing on soft skills. Schools have started giving importance to every student. Teachers are giving due attention to each child... but How many such schools exist? and How many parent can afford such school's fees?
It's high time Education Institution become...

A Center to Build Strong Self - Image of a Child,
A Platform where molding of a Child's Mind - Heart - Soul Happens,
Where Emotional - Psychological - Physical - Mental - Spiritual Enhancement Happens.

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.
+(91) 9869660362,