My Teacher used to tell me, “Anyone can succeed by pulling
other people down, it takes character to succeed by uplifting others along with you.”
You have succeeded – You have gone down – You have again
taken a leap of success – Again, you have gone down.
There are a few people who will keep growing
continuously in their financial position through generations to come.
There are a lot of people who find it very difficult to
sustain success. I am talking success in terms of financial standing and
achieving one’s ambition.
When success does not
stay in your life or there is no steady growth. That’s the time one needs to
check one’s Roots’.
We @FUDOL Therapy define Roots as anything you have been
given on your birth like your Family, Society, Mother Land, Humanity &
Ask Questions Like:
Have you taken along all your family members in your success
Have you in the process of being successful, done a lot of
unfairness to any of your family member like: condemned or mocked or harmed your “weaker” family member; being insensitive to your sibling or any member of your family who is not as successful as you are?
Have you harmed your society and your Mother Land for your
Have you taken undue advantage of people working under you?
Have you behaved badly with the women of your house –
forgetting their role in your success?
Has Mother Nature played price for your success?
Have you forgotten that behind your success there are a lot of
people’s support, prayers and help?
These above questions will help you answer whether you have
taken care of your roots while succeeding.
If you also uplift your roots along
with uplifting yourself then, surely the foundation of your success will be far
more stronger and thus the growth and sustainability.
If you want us to assist you in strengthening your Roots
then book an appointment.
DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online.