Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Have You Been Banking On Wrong People?

You are in your worse times and suddenly you find people around you start disappearing...

Usually, you are surrounded by people... but when the time comes to show their love for you... they become your "cousin", they become your “not so good friend”, etc. etc.

Have You Been Banking On Wrong People?

Never ever trust people who are afraid of society... they will never be able to stay with you in your bad times. They will never be able to give you the right advice in regards to your growth. They will never be able to be your rock in your worse times as their fear of society is so high. As their need to look good in society and in others eyes is so important that... they will not even be aware of how unconsciously they hurt you in your worse times. How they will manipulate the situation, how they become inhuman, how they forget the relationship you shared with them, how you cease to exist when their social status is at stake, their fear of society consumes them so much that they don’t even acknowledge that the worse times of yours might be because you sacrificed for them. 

If you want to have reliable people in your worse times then have the courage to have people who care a penny about society, who have the courage to break the rules of society and form their own, who have the courage to tell a spade a spade, who in spite of social repercussion can tell you what’s good for your soul’s growth then what will look good in social setting.

In your good times ... these society fearing people will be the ones around you...don’t get carried away by their artificial attachments as when it will be their turn to show their metal’s worth ... they will say statements like, “we were never that close”, “ohho, you aren’t the same person I knew”, “you shouldn’t do a particular thing or behave in a particular manner” – (because it spoils their social image).

Only a person who loves himself and understands God’s way can give you right advice in catch 22 situation of your life and worse times of your life – Trust them... Have more of these kind of people around you in your all the times as they are the best people not only in your good times but also in your bad times.

They have strong character to not only tell you where you going wrong but also stand besides you when you might have to do things which are not approved by the society. They will only judge your act purely on the basis of your soul’s requirement at that time and your soul’s growth. They can be blunt, rude, will love you and accept you fully. “selfish” and “self – centered”  in society fearing people’s eyes, sometimes anti – social, rebel... but, much more reliable then people who are sweet, diplomatic, makes you feel good by false appreciation, and are society fearing – Be Aware.

Having said that... pity people who are society fearing than blaming them... as they are consumed by fear... they need our compassion and not hatred.

Need support based on your soul’s growth ... not on the basis of any kind of fear... contact us on fillupthedashesoflife@gmail.com

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Colour & Aura Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We also do Counseling via. Phone, & Online. 
+(91) 9869660362, contact@fudoltherapies.com