Sunday, December 22, 2013


Miracles Happen when you give energy to your dreams then your fears

Many people feel miracles, magic happens only in fairy tales.

I Believe,

Miracles happen when you are your best friend.

Miracles happen when you trust that if God has given you a dream – God has also given you the potential/resources to fulfill those dreams.

One just needs to believe in oneself.

One just needs to put the self doubt instilled by oneself and society in our heart aside – look from the inner child’s perspective for whom everything is possible.

One just needs to trust the nature again...what the nature is telling you instead of trusting anything that is artificial. For Ex: if a couple is not able to have a child – listen to the nature/ might tell you to do few things. Many times these things might not be irrelevant to child planning, many times it might be the toughest thing one must have done, many times you need to complete few incomplete things in your life to actually be ready to welcome a child in your life.

You have a dream project/dream work – listen to your intuition. For ex: You have a dream to have a factory – your intuition is asking you to talk to a person – it may not always be that it will give you a solution but, it will definitely start a chain reaction so that you can reach your destination.

Listen to your Gut Instinct, Intuition, Subconscious... Always Trust Yourself, Nature, and God... Develop Courage to follow them – it will always have all solutions to your problems.  

Most of the times,

Universe is just waiting for you to gather that courage – to take your first step towards your dreams so that it can assist you with the rest 99 steps.

Universe is just waiting for you to be aware that the Ego, Complexes you have is not what you assist you to a path of laughter.

Universe is just waiting for you to just dissolve your anger, destructive and negative energies so that it can assist you with re – learning to love yourself and others.

Universe is just waiting for you to realize the real way to worship a GOD, the real reason for any religion – so that it can assist you to find light – to find GOD within yourself.

Universe is just waiting for you to face your fears and give all your energies to your dreams so that it can assist you in the fulfillment of your dreams.

You want assistance in experience life full of contact us @FUDOL Therapies

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;