Monday, December 31, 2012


Is Abuse/Molestation/Rape a form of suppressed lust/sexual desires? Or A false attempt to feel powerful?

Does Abuse/Molestation/Rape happen because the beauty is shown in public? Or The devil inside human being wants to destroy anything which is beautiful?

Does Abuse/Molestation/Rape happen because it’s a form of entertainment for the culprit? Or There is so much over – flow of bitterness within that person that it’s a way of passing the bitterness to the other person?

Right from ancient days India has seen abuse, molestation, rape and other crimes happening against women. Why does a society like India where we pray to Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga... have to wait for a “Maya” or “Damini/ Nirabhaya” to happen. It’s a well known fact, that Delhi has the highest amount of molestation cases. Even most part of the country girls/women can’t go out in the night. Why haven’t we sprung into action the moment we realized these facts.

I want to highlight a point here... that woman are not the only victims going through such crimes. Men equally has the risk of being a victim of abuse/molestation/rape. Sad part is such crime against men are not even taken into serious consideration.

Right now, the global community is in a dark tunnel from where we can see no light for any permanent solution to Abuse/Molestation/Rape.  Giving a capital punishment is necessary to instill fear and it will reduce Abuse/Molestation/Rape to a certain extend but it is not going to uproot the problem.

Let’s see few ways by which there are chances we could uproot the problem of Abuse/Molestation/Rape...

1)  Rape is one of the ways the miscreant wants to gain control. Overpowering the other person will definitely make him/her feel more powerful and in control for a while. Now, why there is so much need for control...there could be various reasons and one of the main reason is Severe Child Sexual/Physical Abuse. Abuse of any kind makes a child feel out of control, powerless and helpless. But, Severe Child Sexual/Physical Abuse impacts the psyche of a child deeply. Not everyone who is a victim of Abuse grows up and ends up Abusing/Molesting/Rapes the other human being. But, the chances are still high. The Child who has gone through any kind of Abuse should undergo some sessions of psychotherapy and counselling so that he/she can stitch himself/herself back and could understand that  "It wasn't his/her fault", "What happened was a crime".

2) Children have to be taught how to respect their bodies. Once they start respecting their bodies...they will automatically respect other people’s bodies. Accepting and understanding one’s body, and it’s desire will help in understanding that these needs and desires of the body is normal for every human being irrespective of the gender. Appreciating and Nourishing one’s body is very important but, in a constructive way. 

3) Parents have to respect each other. For ex: if a boy sees that his mother is never respected in the family, always ridiculed, mocked and condemned at... he would follow the same behaviour when he grows up with other females inside as well as outside the house. Parents are the only one with whom a child will learn his initial lessons of respecting and accepting every human being. 

4) We as society should be open about people suffering from any kind of sexual disorder/ dysfunction/ illness. Openness is required so that person suffering from it can talk and discuss about it freely. He/she should not feel less masculine/feminine just because he/she has some kind of sexual disorder.  

I understand that all these above points are difficult to achieve. But, our schools, our doctors, our pre – child/pregnancy programs, etc. can educate and create awareness among people. It’s a cycle we need to break and it will take time, effort and lot of awareness but again not impossible.

Love and Respect...if these 2 become the pillar and the foundation on which a child grows up... then only this problem of abuse/molestation/rape has any chance of uprooting itself from the psyche of us humans.

If you are a victim of Abuse/Molestation/Rape... FUDOL Therapies (Fillingupthedash-esoflife) will be your backbone while you stitch yourself back.     

DARSHA Gandhi Mehta
(Psychotherapist & Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist; Colour & Aura Therapist, Graphologist, Angel & Crystal Advisor)
We Do Online & Phone Counselling Sessions
+(91) 9869660362;